What You Need

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8

When my husband I got together, neither of us was walking very closely with the Lord, in fact I didn’t even know the Lord as my personal Savior. We had both been married before and had made multiple poor relationship choices. On one of our first “dates” we discussed all the things we were not going to provide for one another. I went on some little diatribe about how “I didn’t need a father for my children (we are a blended family), or a man to pay my bills or fix my car. I wanted someone to spend time with when I had time and wanted to.” and as if that weren’t enough, I followed up with “and if you are looking for a mommy for your kids or Betty Crocker the Happy Home Maker you came to the wrong place buddy.” The fact that he stayed, I attribute to a miracle of God ; ). But… he then informed me that he was not a public displays of affection kinda guy and if I thought that he was going to fawn over me like a puppy, holding my hand in public and stroking my hair, I had the wrong guy. He needed space.

Well fast forward 20 years and my husband has been the most wonderful and impactful father to our children (all 5 of our blended brood), he takes care of all the bills and the purchases and repairs of our vehicles and I love our two youngest children the way I love the three that I gave birth to and I couldn’t be happier than when we are home and I am able to prepare a meal for him that brings joy to his heart and his belly or to just be able to serve him in some way that brings him joy and contentment. We became the very people that we said we were not going to be.

A couple of things that you should know is that my husband was from a broken home and never dreamed or desired to end up divorced, so that was very difficult for him. For various other reasons he had closed himself off emotionally and became a no PDA (public displays of affection) kinda guy. And I had been raised in a broken home as well, by a 1970’s mom who taught me that our rally song was Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman”. By the age of 8 I could sing that song like I owned it and by the age of 13 had a plan for starting an organization called AWE (Amazonian Women’s Establishment). It was going to assist women in obtaining power. So, you can see how ingrained the women’s movement was in my young mind. Combine the women’s movement with an alcoholic, abusive dad and you end up with a young lady who will rely on no one, ask for nothing and build walls around her heart larger than the great wall of China, just to keep people out and from hurting her.

So here you have these two, damaged, bitter people coming together. Neither looking for a relationship. And enter….the hand of God!

Somehow our incredible Heavenly Father, even before I knew Him, bound my husband and I together. He knew who we were deep inside, where we would allow no one else access. He knew those deep seeded needs that we would not even breath out loud or admit to. And He brought two people together, each needing the other more than they even knew.

He knew I needed a father for my children, someone to assist me in every aspect of life not just my finances and car, and He knew that my husband needed someone to love him unconditionally, someone who appreciated and respected him and whom he could feel safe to love back. And our incredible Heavenly Father said I know What You Need and He provided. He is faithful and good and provides for our NEEDS.

By the way, my no PDA husband and I are rarely seen in public not holding hands. He consistently shows public displays of affection, in fact he occasionally gets swatted for being a little too affectionate in public ; ) He truly is the dearest, most caring, loving man I have ever known. And I praise God that He knew what I needed and sent me my husband.

All the things that my husband and I were not looking for and not going to provide for anyone, were the very things that we needed, but only God knew. My precious Mother-In-Love’s favorite verse was Proverbs 3:5 & 6…Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. My understanding had me looking for all the wrong people in all the wrong places and so did my husband. But, as we began to seek and follow after God, our relationship grew stronger and stronger and we began to meet each others needs (those needs that we didn’t even know we had : ). God did what we couldn’t because He said I know “What You Need”.

I pray that today you would bare your heart before God. I pray that you would trust Him with those areas of your heart that you have kept hidden and guarded and inaccessible. I promise you that He does know, What You Need and He will provide. But you have to trust Him and let Him.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, I assure you that He is your deepest and greatest need. I pray that you would go to our Life Preserver page and pray the prayer that is outlined there. Once you have done that, please reach out to me at admin@Forgiven-N-Loved.com and let me know so that I can be praying for you and can hopefully help you grow in your knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Luv Ya!


When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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We Are Family!

July 31, 2019

Holding Hands

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