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The Value of Our Patience.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

How many times have you gone to the grocery store and, on your way through the register, notice that the cashier is having a really bad day. Maybe she’s unfriendly, maybe she’s on the verge of tears or maybe she’s just very stoic. Regardless, something is clearly wrong.

We usually have several choices in this situation, we can get our business done and get out of there with as little exchange as possible, we can be grumpy right back or we can try to be kind, maybe bag our own groceries, treat them like they matter and/or just try and make them smile a little. If we try to be a positive light in their day we will typically make an impact for the Lord. And, it will have cost us nothing except, perhaps an extra moment of time, which belongs to God anyways.

My husband and I have had an ongoing car issue of late. We were on the verge of 60,000 miles and our warranty was about to end so we took our car in for a check up. We had a couple of little issues, with things they didn’t want to cover, but we got that straightened out. Then as we were driving home we noticed this little screeching noise that wasn’t there before.

We are taking our car back for the third time, to address this issue.

,I think that this has been very difficult for my husband, as it would be for anyone (other than Jesus), to continue to be a testimony for the Lord and not lose his patience.

Above and beyond the simple frustration of the situation there had been six hours of travel time, he had to take time off from work, they did not provide a loaner or rental car and had some very apathetic attitudes.

So you can see why I would say that just about anyone, other than Jesus, would struggle in this situation.

But my husband has been incredibly patient, understanding and overall, an incredible testimony to God.

Now, it has certainly been a struggle. Yes, it’s been frustrating. Yes, it has not been without cost. But what exactly is the value of our patience?

According to matthew 5:16 (In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.) our patience, as well as other kindnesses and good deeds, will glorify our Father in Heaven and hopefully draw them to Him.

So if we make 3 trips or 6 to get our car fixed, we will be patient and show them the love of Jesus because the value of our patience could be that of a human soul. By glorifying our Heavenly Father, they may be drawn into a personal relationship with Him and their eternal soul is far more important to us than that car.

I pray that today we would be supernaturally loving and kind (Do not let kindness and truth forsake you. Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3). I pray that we would not let our flesh dictate our reactions, but that (through the leading of the Holy Spirit) we would put our selfish goals and desires aside and glorify our Heavenly Father, with patience, kindness and love. Because the value of same, may be a human soul.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, if you need to feel that supernatural love and mercy that we have spoken about, I pray that you would go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that is outlined there. Because that love, forgiveness and healing that you need can only come from Jesus. Once you have prayed the prayer on our Life Preserver page, please reach out to me at and let me know so that I can be in prayer for you and hopefully help you grow in your love for, and relationship with, our Precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

Luv Ya!

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