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The Right Church

The Right Church

The "right church" is the only church. It is the church of Jesus Christ. As followers of Jesus (regardless of denomination) we must unify. The eternal souls of those around us are depending on it.

There are so many denominations of the “Christian” church. There are Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Wesleyan, Baptist, and even a non-denominational is a form of denomination. And there are others! Which is the right church, though?

How does someone figure out which denomination is right? Which is the right church? It is a difficult prospect.

It is also difficult if you belong or belonged to a particular denomination and are not sure if it is/was the right one. How do you know which is the right church?

The apostle, Peter, himself (who walked and talked and had fellowship with Jesus personally) struggled. He even rejected new brothers and sisters in Christ and gravitated back toward His old faith.

This is found in Galatians 2:11-13, when the apostle Paul discusses having to confront Peter. “But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong. 12 When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile believers, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn’t eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision. 13 As a result, other believers followed Peter’s hypocrisy, and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.”

The Apostle Paul was a good brother in Christ. He confronted Peter face to face. Because Peter forgot who he was. He wasn’t a Jew and he wasn’t a gentile. He was a follower of Jesus Christ!

The Apostle Paul knew what was important. He knew that it didn’t matter what you eat. It didn’t matter who you associated with. And it didn’t matter whether you were circumcised or not. What mattered was whether you had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or not. And he had to remind Peter what the truth was, what was important, and what his role as a follower of Jesus Christ was.

Denominational churches are the same way. Each has their nuances and their requirements for membership but, at the end of the day, it isn’t about any of that. It is about whether they are teaching from the Bible. It is about whether the congregation is coming to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

My family never went to church. And I didn’t even begin to seek a relationship with God until I was an adult, after I had my first child. I thought, if there was a Heaven, I wanted to figure out how my child could get there. So, I started to go to the church my father-in-law went to. It was Episcopal. I was baptized in the church. I went through all the classes, did all the things that they require for you to be a member, and became a member. But I didn’t know any more about a relationship with Jesus Christ the last time I walked out of that church than I did the day I walked in.

Then, when I had three children, and they were getting into their teenage years, I recognized that time was slipping away. So, I began to look for a church again. I went to all the denominational churches I could find, trying to find a place that taught us how to find Jesus. If you have read this blog for very long, you know we ended up at a Baptist church. And that’s where we each met Jesus. I was baptized again but this time I understood why I was being baptized and what God expected/offered.

After quite a few years and a number of different circumstances, my husband and I began searching for another church.

Long story longer (lol). We finally landed at a Wesleyan church.
Now, what I knew about the Weslyan faith when I walked in the door you could’ve fit in a thimble and had room left over. LOL.

And guess what? I’m a member of the Wesleyan Church now.

But I’m not an Episcopalian. And I’m not a Baptist. I’m not even a Weslyan.

I am a Follower of Jesus Christ.

Each denomination has its nuances. And each denomination has their views. But the denomination doesn’t matter as long as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached and people are coming to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

God called me to that Episcopal church, and He called me to that Baptist Church, and He has called me to this Wesleyan church. The Episcopal church is where God began to draw me to Himself. That Baptist church is where I met Him and where He taught me about a spiritual family. And this Wesleyan church is where He has begun to grow me more in my faith than I have ever grown before.

God calls us to churches, jobs, and locations for a season. But it is all for His purpose and glory. It doesn’t matter what the denomination is (as long as it is a Gospel preaching, Bible believing church). What should matter to us is that we are where He is calling us and growing and serving in the way that pleases Him.

We have to understand that the enemy wants to divide us into denominations. He wants to cause division. Because, if the followers of Jesus Christ (regardless of denomination) come together and if we are bound (by Christ) in unity, the enemy is in big trouble. All those souls that he is hoping to win for evil will be won for the Lord. And Satan hates the thought of that.

So, when we ask ourselves, “what is the right church”, there is only one church. It is the church of Jesus Christ! We belong to Him. Let’s come together in unity, brothers and sisters! “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” Colossians 1:18.

Father God, we praise and thank You that there are no denominations in the Kingdom. Father, we look forward to the day that we can gaze upon Your glorious face and in unity, as brothers and sisters in Christ, sing praises to Your holy name.

Lord Jesus, we are so deeply in love with You. We thank You and praise You for the sacrifice that You made. We praise and thank You that You paid the penalty for our sins, that we could not pay. And, because of Your sacrifice (when we we repent of our sins), we become the adopted children of God. Thank you, Jesus!

Holy Spirit, move in Your global church. Unify us, in the name of Jesus! Help us resist the enemies temptation to divide us and let our love for one another bind us together and be an incredible testimony to the love of our Heavenly Father to those around us.

Have you always wondered which is the right church? The denomination is of little importance. The messages must be coming from the Scripture. And the Gospel must be preached from the pulpit when we are looking for a church. But the church you go to doesn’t matter. The denomination doesn’t matter. All that really matters is whether we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What matters is, when Jesus calls His church to Him, will He be calling you? Will you be a member of the right church, the only church, the global church of Jesus Christ?

If you do not, or if you are uncertain as to whether you are or not, please go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that is outlined on that page.

God loves you personally and deeply. In fact, He loves you so much that He sent His one and only son to die in your place. To pay the penalty for your sin. A penalty that you couldn’t pay. And He wants to show you the magnitude of that love. He wants a personal and intimate relationship with you. And all that’s required is that you pray the prayer on that Life Preserver page from the bottom of your heart.

Please pray that prayer and, once you have, let me know. I’d love to be in prayer with them for you.

Luv Ya!

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