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The Reflection of the Sun on the Moon

When I was a little girl, we lived on a fruit farm. There was very little light pollution back then. So, the night sky would be so dark and beautiful. The sky appeared as though it had been enveloped in a luxurious and lush piece of black velvet with gorgeous diamonds of various sizes scattered all over it. Glistening and twinkling stars, too numerous to even count.

I was always fascinated by the beauty of the night sky, with it’s stars and the moon. In fact, our whole solar system intrigued me. My two favorite planets were Saturn, because of her beautiful rings, and Pluto (not even considered a planet now), because it was the only one with a Disney character named after it 😀 .

One of the most captivating things about the night sky for me was the ever-changing moon. I loved how it would go from this giant glowing orb, so big and close that you could even make out the craters on its surface, to a mere sliver of light in just a matter of a few nights.

The beautiful range of colors that it would display — bright red, orange, peach, blue and even purple — were just fascinating to me. I was so captivated by the light of the moon.

I began to read as I got a little older. We would go to my grandmother’s and I would open up her encyclopedias and read about the stars, planets, and moon (and the rest of God’s glorious creation).

I was so shocked to learn that the moon didn’t emanate any light of it’s own. I almost felt bad for the moon. It seemed sad that all her beauty was just a mere reflection of the light of the sun.

What I failed to recognize in that moment was the way that God reflected that light in so many beautiful and unique ways. In fact, it would be very difficult for two people to have the very same view of the moon, even from the same geographic location.

There are so many variables that effect our view of the moon. Atmospheric particles, time, location, and weather all have an effect on its appearance. As a result, it would be almost impossible for any two people to have the exact same view of the moon.

One fascinating thing to me is that the sun has the same color hues that the moon does: blue, red, peach, etc. But, against a bright blue sky, we rarely notice them.

The moon however, set against the dark, black, night sky, often appears so much more vibrant and beautiful.

As I have grown in the Lord, I now realize how much like the moon the children of God are.

We emanate no light of our own. We would blend in to the darkness the same way the portion of the moon that is not reflecting the sun’s light blends into the dark night sky.

But, as the sun reflects light on the moon and it shines, uniquely and differently, moment by moment, so does the Son reflect His light on those who call Him Lord. And we each shine uniquely and differently, moment by moment.

Without the sun, we experience darkness. But without the Son, we are immersed in total and consuming spiritual darkness.

When the light of the Son reflects off each one of God’s children, it illuminates the darkness and leads others directly toward the Father.

Let’s go be big, beautiful, full moons, illuminating the paths of those who are wandering in Spiritual darkness so they can find their way to our Heavenly Father.

Father God, forgive me for not choosing to reflect you more brilliantly. Forgive me for not shining your light, to illuminating the path for others to find their way to you. I pray that you would help us, your children, to go into the world today and be big, beautiful, reflections of you! Through us, illuminate the paths of those stumbling in spiritual darkness.

If you have been wandering in spiritual darkness, trying to find your way to the Lord, consider this the light to your path to Him. You are not here by coincidence, God has lead you here. Please go to our Life Preserver page ( and please pray the prayer that you find outlined there.

The scripture tells us that when we seek Jesus, with our WHOLE heart, we will find Him. Seek Him (go to our Life Preserver page), pray to Him (pray the prayer outlined), repent of your sins (turn away from them) and let Him be Lord of your life. He loves you and is waiting.

Luv ya!

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