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Sweet Remembrance

Sweet Remembrance

God pours out His blessings on us. The greatest of which was Jesus! The daily blessings that we receive should be a sweet remembrance of what He has done.

My husband and I ran by our son’s house a few nights ago, obediently wearing masks. And, as Grammy always does, I brought treats. They were just miniature chocolate-covered mint candies, but to our grandbabies, I was a hero! Our granddaughter is a tiny little thing. The biggest thing about her is her smile. And, once she got that candy, she was all smiles. But sadly, time went quickly and, as we left, she kissed me right on my face mask. The next morning I got to work and when I went into the lady’s room (wearing my mask from the night before), glancing in the mirror I realized that there was something on my mask. There, in the middle of my light blue mask, was a chocolate-covered mint candy kiss. What a sweet remembrance of that little honey giving me (her Grammy) a touch of affection!

The ladies at work and I all had a giggle over my mask of sweet remembrance. And I quietly thanked God for that precious little one. I quietly prayed over her. Then, I thanked God for that sweet remembrance of her love. Because even the stain was a blessing from God.

That little chocolate stain reminded me of several things. It reminded me that God chose that baby for my granddaughter. He created her with the precious heart that would even desire to kiss her grammy goodbye. And He allowed that little stain to draw me closer to Him because it spoke to the magnitude of His love for me.

That little chocolate stain was a sweet remembrance of all the ways that God has blessed me.

Most of all, that little chocolate stain was a sweet reminder of what my Savior has done for me.

My sins were once a crimson red stain. And that stain was much bigger and darker than the tiny chocolate one on my mask. But Jesus’ blood cleansed those sins and that stain as white as snow! “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18.

That little stain on my mask was a sweet reminder of the sacrifice that my Savior had made for me (and for every one of us). It reminded me that I was no longer stained with sin, because of His shed blood.

Let me never forget all that you have done for me Father!

“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:11.

Thank you, Father God, for sweet remembrances. Thank you for the precious kisses of grandbabies. And, Father, thank you for all the abundant blessings that you pour out on us. Most of all, we thank you for Jesus! Thank you for the forgiveness we received through His shed blood.

Do you carry around the guilt and shame of sin? Do you wonder about what God’s forgiveness even looks like? It looks like Jesus! And He died for YOU! Because of Jesus, you can be forgiven. That forgiveness is available through a sincere heart and a simple prayer. There is one outlined on our Life Preserver page ( Please go there and pray that prayer (or one similar).

And once you have, please reach out to me at Because I would love to be in prayer with and for you. I would also like to be able to welcome you into the family of God.

Luv Ya!

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