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No Social Distancing Here

No Social Distancing Here

God doesn't social Distance. We are all tired of Covid and social distancing, but There is no social distancing here in the presence of God.

I was looking back at 2019 recently. I found that the two, relatively consistent top news stories were Hurricane Dorian and the Notre Dame Cathedral fire. We rang in a new year on January 1, 2020, hoping for a better year. Little did we know what was awaiting us. As a nation, we have experienced riots and violence in our streets. We have felt the pains of prejudice, bigotry, and murder. We listened to mass character assassinations (like never in our history) during the days leading up to our presidential election. And we have been in the midst of a pandemic that has destroyed lives, livelihoods, and even how we relate to one another. Some of the riots in the streets are from people who no longer want to social distance. In their hearts, they are screaming, “No Social Distancing Here!”

Little did we know that what the new year held for us was simply chaos.

That chaos has become overwhelming to most. And it creates fear (on so many levels). We fear the riots. We fear what we will do to each other. And we fear what the future holds. We lack respect for one another. And it is not going to get any better with social distancing.

People disregard what the authorities have requested and mandated because they are sick and tired of social distancing. So, they ignore the mandates.

The news media all over the world has articles and reports entitled, “No Social Distancing Here”. These articles are about people who are tired of social distancing. And, because they are not adhering to the mandates, they are newsworthy. As a result of their frustration with social distancing, people are gathering and being recklessly social. They’re showing complete disregard for the authorities. And they also show disregard for those who might be more susceptible to catching the virus and dying.

There are restaurants whose slogan is “no social distancing here”. And business is booming! People are tired of being distant and solitary.

The Bible tells us to submit to the authorities placed over us.

Not because they are wonderful people. Not because they are devout Christians. And not even because they have our best interest at heart (because sometimes it is their own best interest that they are striving for). We are to submit because God allowed them to be in that position.

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1.

Therefore, despite the fact that some of us are sick and tired of social distancing — despite the fact that we want to scream “no social distancing here” — we have to submit to the authorities that God placed over us. We have to wear those stupid masks and keep our distance if for no other reason than to protect those with weaker immune systems. We have to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. And we do that by taking precautions.

“Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.” Romans 15:1.

I understand that some people feel that this virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. And, when you look at the statistics for the flu from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and compare them to the virus, there is an argument to be made. However, I assure you, this virus is a danger.

You see, the enemy is the prince of this world. And, although Jesus won the victory at the cross, and he stands condemned, he wants to take as many with him as possible. “…and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.” John 16:11.

God didn’t create us to have weak immune systems. Nor did He create us to die from viruses. And He certainly didn’t create us to be solitary and/or to social distance.

Those things are all a result of the real virus — the most deadly and dangerous virus of all. Sin. Sin affects every aspect of our lives and of the lives of mankind. For those without the vaccine, it has a 100% mortality rate. The only vaccine is the blood of Jesus.

Some of the rhetoric that self-proclaimed atheists and agnostics spout in trying times like these is to question, “Where is God?”

The answer to that question is (for those who know and have a personal relationship with Jesus), “He is right here with us. He is our strength in this battle and we are never alone!”

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10.

And for those who don’t, He is right here as well. We (the followers of Christ) are called to be God’s hands and feet. He asks us to meet the needs of others and to love others as we love ourselves. “This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22:38-39.

God is here and He does not social distance. God is with us… and there is no social distancing here in His presence.

He is our peace, He is our strength, and He is our comfort. And He sent us the vaccine for the real virus. That vaccine is Jesus and we are the vial that God uses to deliver it.

When we love, care for, and consider others (especially when it is uncomfortable), God uses us to inject a little of that vaccine into the lives of those who need it.

Let’s stop worrying about the issues of the day and start worrying about the fate of those around us. Should we be concerned with the coronavirus? Of course, we should be concerned with whether people get the coronavirus. In fact, we should be praying for God to eliminate it. But the eternal fate of those around us should be of far greater concern. Let’s work to love our neighbor as ourselves and allow God to vaccinate them against the real virus (sin) through us.

Father, we praise you that you knew the plan of the enemy and you thwarted it. Thank you for our Savior. Because He is the vaccine against sin. We praise and thank you for being with us. We thank you that there is no social distancing here in your presence. Father, forgive us! Forgive us for getting caught up in the issues of this world. Forgive us for losing sight of the eternal lives of people while we fight over whether to protect their earthly lives. Help us, Holy Spirit! Help us to love others the way we love ourselves. And more than that, help us to love them the way that you do. Lord Jesus, use us to inject your love into the lives of those around us. Be glorified! We pray this in your precious name Jesus.

Have you been in fear this year? Have you been in fear of the riots? Has the injustice in the world caused you to fear? Has the coronavirus and the solitude that it created caused fear in your life? God does not want us to fear. He wants us to trust and lean on Him. He wants a personal and intimate relationship with us — one in which we can and will go to Him whenever we fear. That relationship comes when we repent of our sin and ask Jesus to be Lord of our lives. It happens when we desire (with all of our heart) a relationship with Him. And when we pray and ask Him to forgive us from the bottom of our heart.

There is a prayer like this on our Life Preserver page ( Please go to that page and pray that prayer (or one similar). God wants to forgive you. He wants to begin an intimate personal relationship with you. He wants you to begin to come to Him when you are in fear. And He wants to be your sanctuary, peace, and comfort.

Please pray that prayer and, once you have, reach out to me at I’d love to be in prayer with and for you.

Luv Ya!

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