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Loving Our Children/Grandchildren

Loving Our Children/Grandchildren

If we love our children/grandchildren. We will teach them to love God, more than we love them.

I remember when my children were young wanting to just hug and snuggle them all the time. The love that we have for those precious little bundles is just overwhelming. But the scripture warns us that we need to keep things in perspective. Our Love for God has to be greater than our love for our children. Are we loving our children/grandchildren more than God? “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10:37. I realize that this message is not going to make me very popular, especially among mothers/grandmothers. But, please keep reading. God loves them more than even you do.

When my parents separated and my little sister and I were living with our Grandparents, our dad would call. When our conversation ended and before we hung up we would say “I love you” and he would say, “I love you more”, then we would count to 3 and hang up together. Because we loved each other so much, we couldn’t stand the thought of hanging up first and leaving the other holding the phone.

Since becoming a parent, I think that my dad may have loved us more, but I am still not sure 😉 . We were both “Daddy’s girls”.

Usually, the love that a parent has for a child (and that a child has for a parent) is a very deep love. That is the way that God designed it. Sometimes, the enemy gets involved and there are issues. But somewhere deep down (as long as there is not a lack of forgiveness), there is still love.

Unfortunately, as parents (and grandparents), we can sometimes love our children/grandchildren in a way that is akin to idol worship.

If we are not careful, we are loving our children/grandchildren more than our spouse which is not what God designed for our marriages. And we can even love our children and grandchildren more than God. Jesus warns us about this in our main verse. “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:37.

We are to love God above all things. “And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5. So, we have to ask ourselves, “Are we loving our children/grandchildren more than God?”

Now, most mothers who are reading this will have difficulty. We, as wives, need to love our husbands at least as much as we do our children/grandchildren. You are probably thinking, “They are children and they need us more than our husbands do.” No. Your children need to see what a happy, healthy marriage looks like. If they are ever going to have one themselves, they need to see it in you. They need to see what it looks like for a husband and wife to deeply love each other, to make time for each other and to parent as a unit, with respect for one another. If they will ever have that in their own marriages and homes, they need to see it lived out.

And, it is a slippery slope… we may start out well, and before we know it, those cute little bugs are taking priority over everything. Then, they begin to take priority over God. And the next thing we know we are loving our children/grandchildren more than even God.

Do we really want our sons and/or daughters to be in marriages in which they are loved less than their children or grandchildren? Or do we hope that their spouse will have a deep and earnest love for them? One that, at least, equals that of the love that their spouse has for their children or grandchildren. If they are going to attempt to have that kind of marriage, they need to see it in yours.

You should be praying for that, by the way. Even if you don’t have children or grandchildren yet, or perhaps they are infants… pray. We should be praying for their spouses and marriages long before they even meet them.

If we love our children and/or grandchildren as much as we say that we do, we will not make them idols. They will not take a greater place in our hearts and homes than our spouse. Or, even worse, a greater place in our hearts than the Lord. And, they will not run our homes!

We must remember that they are children. They need structure and discipline. If they didn’t, God would never have created parents or grandparents at all. They need to feel loved. But they don’t get that love by being allowed to do whatever they want. That doesn’t convey love. That conveys a lack of caring. Children want structure and discipline. They know that, when we will sacrifice our relationship with them to teach and mold them, we love them. They are smarter than we realize.

Our children/grandchildren also need to see how important our Heavenly Father is to us. And if you think that going to church a few times a month (or even every Sunday) conveys that… wrong. All that this conveys is that you are doing something that you are supposed to do like dishes and grocery shopping.

These little ones need to see a relationship between us and God if they are going to have one themselves. So, we need to ask ourselves, “Am I loving my children/grandchildren more than God?”

They need to see us lifting our hands to God in praise. They need to hear that He is the one who provides for us. And that He is the one who gave us our job that allowed for the gifts that we give them. And, they need to know that He is tucking them in at night, right alongside you. They need to see us on our knees in prayer! They need to know that He is the one that chose us for them before we even knew Him.

These little ones need to see us loving our Father with all our hearts, souls, and minds if they are going to live out the greatest command themselves. “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22: 36-37.

We all have children in our lives. Perhaps they are sons and daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or maybe they are just a neighbors child. They are not in our lives by coincidence. God placed them there and expects us to be an example of Godly living and loving.

The sad reality is that some of these children will never see God in their own homes. So, it is through these secondary relationships that God desires to be introduced to them.

The children that are in our lives need Jesus just as much as any adult. Maybe more. The question is, will we answer the call and be that Godly example that God is calling us to? Will you be the parent or grandparent who puts God first and then teaches those little ones why He is worthy of that placement? Will you be that aunt/uncle or neighbor who introduces these precious little ones in your life to your Savior?

He wants to meet with them. “One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was displeased with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.” Matthew 19:13-14.

Let’s start loving our children/grandchildren so much that we would be willing to tell them that we love God more. And then, let’s explain to them why He alone is worthy of that kind of love. Let’s tell them what He has done for us and for them. They need Him. And He needs us to be that Godly example that He created us to be. Let’s introduce those babies to their Heavenly Father!

Father God, we praise You for the little ones in our lives. We ask that You would have a special hand of protection on them. We praise You that before the foundations of the world, You chose us to be in their lives. Father, help us to be the Godly example that you have created and call us to be. And forgive us when we fall short of that calling. Lord, more than anything, we desire and pray that they would come to have a relationship with You. We pray that they would be raised up to love, honor, and glorify You. And we pray that they would be warriors for You, Father. We pray this in your precious and holy name, Jesus. Amen.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, I pray that you would go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that’s outlined there. Perhaps you were raised in a Godly home but never came to know Jesus as your own Savior. Or, perhaps, you were not raised in a Godly home at all. Either way, God wanted a relationship with you then… and He still wants one now. He adores you and wants to reveal His love and plans for you. Please pray that prayer and, once you have, reach out to me at and let me know. I’d love to be in prayer for you and help you grow in your relationship with the Lord.

Luv Ya!

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