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Looking Back Over Our Lives

Looking Back Over Our Lives

The enemy wants to keep us looking back over our lives and sin and shame. But God wants us to look toward Heaven and Victory!

My husband and I had an opportunity to watch a baseball game a few nights ago. There were two players on base (1st and 2nd) and the young man at bat hit the ball into the outfield. As the player at 2nd took off for 3rd base, he glanced back over his shoulder. Then he ran a few steps. But then he looked back again. Fortunately, he did make it to third base safely. However, this really made me think about how similar this can be to our lives. We are constantly looking back over our lives. But we are not reminiscing. More often than not, we are looking back in dread.

The enemy loves it when we are looking back over our lives. He intentionally draws our attention there. He wants us to focus on the old sins that we committed and the guilt/shame that accompanies them. Because, when we do, we become less effective for God. We focus on the sin and shame that we feel, causing us to feel unworthy of God’s call. It can spiritually paralyze us. Then, we lack the confidence to move in the Spirit and do what God asks of us.

When a runner runs in a race, his eyes stay forward because nothing behind him can harm him. Another runner might catch — or even pass — him but there is no peril behind him.

A runner who doesn’t focus on putting one foot in front of the other and keeping his eyes on the course will eventually fall. Perhaps there is a stone that could cause him to twist an ankle. There may be a slight puddle in his path. These things could be perilous for him and He could fall.

There are pebbles of sin and puddles of desire lying on the path of all of our lives. And, if we are looking back over our lives, we will be unable to avoid them. And we will be in for a great fall.

There is another danger in looking back over our lives. Looking back costs precious time. And when you lose time in a race, you can lose the victory.

We will have all of eternity in heaven with God if Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. But we only have this short life to glorify Him and to point others to His forgiveness and mercy. Focusing on the sins of our past will keep us from seeing those who need a touch or word from God.

Followers of Jesus Christ have a two-fold victory. The first is our forgiveness from sin and our secured and eternal residence in Heaven with our Abba Father. We receive the victory when we ask Christ to be Lord of our lives and to forgive us of our sins. It is not won through our efforts. Jesus won it for us. It was won on the cross at Calvary. We received the victory when Jesus died in our place, paying the penalty for our sin.

The second victory that followers of Jesus have in this life is the ability to resist sin and glorifying our Father in Heaven. If we are focused on the past, we will lose the race. We will not taste victory because we will fail to see the finish line.

The apostle Paul said, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14.

Our spiritual walk is not going to be perfect. But we cannot give up and we cannot looking back over our lives! We have to press on toward the goal! The eternal lives of those around us and whom we love depends on our keeping our eyes on the finish line! Run with endurance!

Father God, we praise You for Your word and for examples like the apostle Paul. And we praise You for Your mercy and grace. Lord Jesus, we praise and thank You for Your sacrifice at Calvary through which we obtain the victory. Holy Spirit, help us to stay focused. Keep us from looking back over our lives. Keep our eyes on Heaven. Let us not lose sight of those around us who need a word or a touch from God. Lead us to them! Holy Spirit, help us to run a victorious race and to please our Father in Heaven.

If you are burdened with the guilt and shame of sins from the past. And if you consistently relive them in your mind with regret. Please go to our Life Preserver page ( . There is a prayer outlined on this page. Please pray this prayer. Through it God wants to reveal His great love for you. He wants to show you mercy and grace. And He wants to forgive and cleanse you of those sins. He wants you to run a victorious race and to live a victorious life.

Once you have prayed that prayer, please reach out to me at Because I would love to be in prayer with and for you.

Luv Ya!

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