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Is that a False Teaching?

Having come to know Jesus as my savior in a denominational Church. There were things that I was told that I assumed to be truth because the people teaching me had known the Lord longer than I did and I trusted what they said. The problem with that thinking is that denominations were created by the enemy, to divide the body of Christ and we fleshly Christians said “YEAH!! I want my own church, sign me up!”

Each denomination has different laws and rules, if you have been around church long enough you know this to mean “legalism”. You may know some churches that prohibit dancing, some that prohibit gambling, some that prohibit women from speaking from the pulpit, etc. Instead of asking “Is that a False Teaching?”, study and test it, by the word of God.

If it is just a rule that denominational or church leaders think is in everyone’s best interest (I.e. dancing, it has become seductive and can draw a person into lust and sin, however, it is not unscriptural…King David danced, “And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns. 2 Samuel 6:14 & 15)” that is not a false teaching, it is legalism.

Those things that are merely legalism, should not keep you from worshiping in that Church. The thing that should keep you from worshiping in a church is if they are preaching a different Gospel, or if they are teaching things like: you can lose your salvation; or you have to do something (i.e. be forgiven by someone other than God or perform good works) to obtain forgiveness (other than repent and accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior). Jesus crucifixion was sufficient for our forgiveness and once we receive it no one can take it from us. He is the Son of God and no one can come to the Father, but through Him. If you attend a church that teaches anything contrary to that you should leave.

If you are uncertain as to whether something is legalism or a false teaching test it by the word of God, see what the word of God says about that particular issue…”Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1.

Those other things are not salvation issues (which a false teaching is) they are just legalism, and you’ll come to recognize the difference between legalism and false teaching, as you study the word of God. It is not necessary to flee that church and in fact every church is going to have some form of legalism, even non-denominational churches. And, there are no perfect churches.

Trust me when I tell you that as I have grown older and have studied, and tested things by the word of God, He has revealed false teachings and legalism to me. He has helped me to accept differences in my brothers and sisters in Christ and to give me a Spirit that desires not to divide, but instead to hunger for unification in the body of Christ. The legalistic things that we disagree about, God can clear up when we get to heaven.

As we study the word of God we grow deeper in our faith, we begin to recognize how big and powerful our God really is and that He has a purpose and a plan that (as we emerse ourselves in His word) we will want to be active participants in.

We will understand that the differences between our brothers and sisters, shouldn’t divide us, because we are all in the family of God we should be praying that He would bind us together.

I pray that today we would begin to study God’s word for ourselves. That we would test those teachings that we have been taught, by the word of God and that we would determine truths by the leading of the Holy Spirit, not by our own understanding. And, as we study the word of God, I pray that He would remove the scales from our eyes and would help us to see the truth, as He wrote it and to embrace it. I pray that we would not have to ask Is that a False Teaching, because our knowledge will have grown and we would be able to recognize it.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and you do not know the truth of the Gospel I pray that today you would go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that is outline there. I pray that you would begin to read the word of God and to study his truths and that you would come to understand the depths of His love for you. Once you’ve prayed that prayer please reach out to me at so that I can begin to pray for you and help you grow in your knowledge of our precious Savior and the word of God.

Luv Ya!

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