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Insanity is…

Insanity Is...

God is merciful! Not only does He desire to forgive and have an intimate relationship with us. But even when we alter, His desire is to restore us!

There is a saying that was originally attributed to Albert Einstein. “The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”. Einstein never said that, it turns out. However, that doesn’t make the saying inaccurate.

It is ironic to me that most of us would look at that quote and say, “Yes, it’s true.” We believe that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Yet, we are all guilty of the same behavior.

Take our lives before Christ as an example. We go out to a bar and get inebriated. Then we go home with a stranger. But we are somehow surprised in the morning when prince/princess charming is still a toad. So, what do we do? Repeat the process expecting a different result. Sounds like that is what insanity is. And what is even more insane is that, when we don’t find happiness, we blame God!

“The fool delights in shameful conduct, but a man of understanding has wisdom.” Proverbs 10:23.

Now, that is certainly insanity. But, if a person doesn’t know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, they are going to make mistakes. They lack the leading of the Holy Spirit and are trying to fill that Jesus-sized hole in their hearts with other things that they think might satisfy.

But what about someone who is a follower of Jesus Christ. Are we ever guilty of insane behavior?

Well, in the scripture, we certainly have a few examples. We need only look to the Israelites in the wilderness though. God rescued them from bondage and slavery. God performed miracle after miracle to rescue them. Yet, over and over again (I believe a minimum of ten times), they complain and/or question whether God is even with them. They continued to wander in the wilderness. And they wondered why they weren’t getting to the promise land. It sounds like that aligns well with our definition of insanity. Lol.

“The LORD replied, “I have forgiven them, as you asked. Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, not one of those who saw my glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times–not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their ancestors. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it.” Numbers 14:20-23.

But we modern day Christians… certainly, we have learned from their example. We know what the definition of insanity is. So, we behave differently. Don’t we?

Let’s see… we have times of abundant Spiritual blessings. Our days start by getting up early and spending time with God in prayer. Then we read His word and receive a beautiful word from Him. We seek His leading throughout each day. And we share Him with others and are His hands and feet ministering to others. We attend Church, Sunday School, Bible study and we fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Our days are filled with beautiful, intimate time with God. And we are abundantly blessed. And we repeat the process. We are not looking for a different outcome, but hungering for more of what God has for us. But that isn’t insanity.

Insanity comes in when we begin to sleep in and forsake that special time with God in the morning. We think, “I work hard. I need my rest.” We stop reading His word because now we are running late. As a result of not spending time with Him, we charge through the day ordering our own steps. We do not share God with others. Nor do we minister to others. We simply do not have time for that. We are too busy trying to fit everything in and get everything done. Then, we skip prayer meeting and Bible study. Boy, our week was just so hectic we need to take a Sunday off from church. And then we take another… and another… and another. We have no time for church family, no time for ministry, and no time for God.

But that is okay because it is “my life and I need rest and enjoyment and to live it the way I want to”, right?

Sure… then, like when we were kissing toads looking for prince/princess charming, we get mad at God when our life ends up in turmoil.

But, eventually we remember who our first love is and we slowly return and repent. The question is… will we learn from our own mistakes and stay connected to God this time? Or, will we falter again and end up with a life of turmoil all over again. Because guess what? That is what insanity is.

Once we have tasted the sweet life that God offers, why would we walk away? Once we have experienced that peace and intimacy with Him, why give it up? Why would we repeat that reckless and hectic lifestyle apart from Him? I guess even modern day Christians forget what insanity is.

God cried out to Moses when the Israelites behaved this way. “The LORD said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?” Numbers 14:11.

Maybe this blog is His outcry to you. So… how long?

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ but the noise and distractions of this life have pulled you away, turn back to God. He is right there waiting for you. But even if we haven’t pulled away, we can always work on a deeper relationship with Him. There is no time like the present. Let’s stop the insanity!

Father God, forgive us for putting temporary, earthly things before you. Forgive us for not remembering that our purpose here is to glorify you so that others can be rescued from eternal suffering. Father, draw us back and draw us deeper in our relationship with you. Lord Jesus, we praise you that you would even go to the cross for such a rebellious people as we are. We will never be able to thank you enough for your incredible sacrifice and love for us. Holy Spirit, wake us up! Work within our hearts to create a hunger for God like we have never had before. Help us to silence the noise and distractions of this world and to hunger for God and the peace and intimacy that can only be found in Him. We pray this in your precious and Holy name, Jesus. Amen.

When you read the title of this blog, “Insanity is”, and you finished the statement by thinking “my life”, then I implore you to go to our Life Preserver page ( You will find a prayer outlined on that page and I am asking you to pray that prayer. Please! God is waiting. He is the only one who can break the cycle of insanity. And He wants to rescue you from that cycle. He has a peace and intimate love waiting for you like nothing you have ever experienced. Please pray that prayer and once you have reach out to me at I would love to be in prayer with and for you and to answer any questions you might have. Reach out to me.

Luv Ya!

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