Serve God mightily and with your whole heart

God’s Own, Sweet, Tender, Gentle, Tiny, Self-Sacrificing GIANT

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21:1-4.

When we read the parable of the Widow’s Mite, we see a precious widow who was willing to give it all for God. She dared to go to the synagogue and give the small tithe that she had. This tithe was about as small a tithe as could possibly be given. It’s value today would be the equivalent to 1/8 of a penny. The Pharisees even scoffed at the size of her giving because their tithes were so much bigger! They felt that her offering was just too small.

In the physical realm, she “knew” that it was small. She “knew” that, to some, it would be insignificant . She “knew” that the tiny tithe she was giving couldn’t possible have a great impact on the church. And, she probably wondered if she would be reprimanded or ridiculed for such a small offering, even though it was EVERYTHING she had. But, what we “know” in the physical realm, God defies in the spiritual realm.

God uses what we give back in more than just this physical realm. She couldn’t possibly have known that what she was doing would be a testimony to others who had very little. She couldn’t possibly have known that the Savior of the world would use this as a teaching tool to His own disciples. And she certainly couldn’t have known that God would breathe this account of her, into His Word, which would then allow every generation of His children to read and learn from her experience.

We have a very sweet widow at one of our churches. I think of her every time I read the Widow’s Mite parable. Not because of the amount of money she tithes (because I don’t have any idea what that is). I think of her because of the amount of time that she tithes.

This precious saint serves our congregation every Sunday, as well as during any other hospitality or fellowship event.

She is one of the first people in the church every Sunday. She makes sure that the coffee is set up, hot, and ready. For fellowship time, after service, she is the manager of the hospitality. There will always be more than enough food at our events because she will make certain that there is. She prepares the area, making sure that it is immaculate. She is also diligent to be certain that no one in need ever leaves without having been served. Her heart is gentle and meek. She has a loving, gentle spirit and demeanor, but don’t get in her way when she is serving cause she might just run over you 😉 .

Our precious little widow serves our congregation as though Jesus were coming personally to every event. And, I assure you, He does. He doesn’t miss an event that she oversees, not because of how clean and nice things look or how much food there is, but because she is doing it for Him!

Our precious saint doesn’t like attention. In fact, we recently had a conversation in which I had to remind her that I knew that she prefers to be wallpaper. But, it is important for us to occasionally take notice of how beautiful the wallpaper really is and stop taking for granted how it enhances our surroundings and life. She just gave me that sweet smile, squeezed my hand, and walked away.

She gives all that she has, very much like the widow in the Widow’s Mite parable. During an all day event, she is always one of the last to leave. She will be completely exhausted and, young people a fraction of her age, will have gone home tired, but she will still be there serving.

Her offering is small and insignificant in her mind. She doesn’t believe that it is a big deal or that it has any great impact. But she is looking at the physical realm. God accomplishes incredible things through her in the spiritual realm.

Her efforts are gigantic to those of us who reap the reward. They are so much more significant than she realizes. Efforts like making our Pastor’s favorite, homemade ice cream cake. It costs far more than a store bought ice cream cake and takes hours to prepare, yet she does it. She impacts the lives of every single congregate with her hospitality. She changes lives with the simple little touches of love that she gives. Our precious saint doesn’t have to tell people about Jesus. But she does. Her heart and actions make her one of the greatest evangelists I have ever known.

Mrs. Maryjane, thank you for your touches of love. Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you for the impact you make in each of our lives and, more importantly, on the Kingdom of God. We are so grateful for the example you are. We are humbled by your service to us and our Savior. God smiles when the smell of your coffee wafts up to Heaven because it has the purest aroma of love.


Father God, thank you for your word and for the examples you give us that remind us of how we should give. Like our precious Savior, we should be willing to give it all, help us have that heart Father. Help the selfless sacrifices of our Savior, the widow in the parable, and Mrs. Maryjane to be life changing examples for each of us. Thank you, Father, for allowing me to experience the love of my Savior and the love of our own, sweet, tender, gentle, tiny, self-sacrificing giant, Mrs. Maryjane. Help me to serve you with the same heart that she does. We pray this in your precious and holy name Jesus, Amen

Love is the key component to Mrs. Maryjane’s service. Not her love, but the love of Jesus. Have you ever experienced the love of Christ? If you have not and if you have never trusted Him as your own, personal, Savior, please go to our Life Preserver page ( Please pray the prayer that is outlined there. Once you have, please reach out and let me know so that I can be in prayer with and for you. The love of our Savior is a deeper and more intimate love than you can even comprehend. He is waiting to love on your, let him!

Luv Ya!