God Speaks

God Speaks

I was incredibly blessed this past weekend when I was able to attend a Christian women’s retreat. Embracing Faith Ministries presents this retreat annually. It was located at the Huntersfield Christian Training Center, at the heart of the Catskill Mountains. Through the speaker(s) of the retreat and the worship music, God speaks directly into the hearts of the attendees. But His voice can be heard in a number of ways.

I ventured outside that first morning and found myself dumbstruck by the views. It was simply breathtaking. As I looked into the sky, surrounded by the beautiful colors and the views of the mountains, God spoke His love for me. Because God speaks through His creation.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” Psalm 19:1-4.

However, God speaks through another of His creations. He speaks through His body: the followers of Jesus Christ. As we lifted our voices and praises to God during the worship music, many of us heard His voice speak back through those lyrics. Because God speaks through music.

As the speaker spoke, I felt like God was speaking directly into my heart. Other women gave testimony to the fact that God had spoken to them during this time as well. Because God speaks through His people.

“For at that time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you should say.’ Luke 12:12.

God speaks through the love shown by others. As the staff of the facility provided for us, we could not help but feel the love of Christ. Their care for us was the voice of God. They cared and provided for us in a way that spoke love. And their service to us spoke incredible love. Because God speaks through our service to one another.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35.

I am so thankful that God allowed me to attend this retreat. Every attendee heard God’s voice. He spoke in a number of different ways but the message was always the same. God speaks love! Through my precious brothers and sisters at this retreat, whether attendee, staff, or retreat personnel, God spoke love to me and all those who attended.

As followers of Christ, God can speak through each of us in similar ways. He can speak through us as we minister to another who is going through a trial that we have already been rescued from. God can speak through us as we serve others with the heart of a servant the way that Christ served. He can even speak through us as we point others to His glorious creation. But we have to choose to let Him speak through us.

I pray that we would all submit to God’s leading and allow His voice to pour out of us. Will we be bold and allow God to Speak?

Father God, thank you for the many ways that you speak. Thank you that you desire to communicate with us at all. And thank you for our Savior, through whom we have access to you and the glorious gift of hearing your voice. Speak to us, Lord. We long to hear your voice. Speak through us, Lord. We long to serve and glorify you. We pray this in your precious and holy name Jesus.

If you doubt that God speaks to people and that He would even want to speak to you, I assure you that He does. If you want to hear the voice of God, please go to our Life Preserver page (https://forgiven-n-loved.com/life-preserver/) and pray that prayer from the bottom of your heart. God promises that those who seek Him with their whole heart will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Please pray that prayer and, once you have, reach out to me at admin@Forgiven-N-Loved.com and let me know. I’d love to hear from you, pray with you, and pray for you as you embark on this glorious journey with Him.

Luv Ya!


When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!


September 23, 2020 at 2:59 pm

I love how God speaks to us !

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