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Giving Order to Chaos

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The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; Psalm 37:23

I remember having three children under the age of five running around the house, toys strewn from one end of the room to the other. I was overwhelmed by the household chores that had to get done, from laundry to cleaning to cooking. I’d think to myself “this time is going to go fast and then, when the kids are a little older, I’ll be more organized”.

Then came their teen years…life wasn’t much more organized because now we had youth group and sleepovers and a part-time job and other demands on my time. And I‘d think “before long they’re going to be grown then I won’t know what to do with all my spare time”, but that time came and somehow that “spare” time that I thought I would have, it too got filled up.

Not to burst your bubble ladies, but my days are almost as chaotic now, as they were when I had three babies under 5.

I would often question what I needed to do to make my days less hectic. But, the question isn’t are we organized enough or how do I get more organized, the question is have we organized our day for the Lord.

In Luke chapter 10 we see Jesus come to the house of Mary and Martha and Martha is all about the celebration. But Mary is all about Jesus. You see, her Lord is there and nothing could be more important. So, she sits down at his feet in adoration. Martha comes to Jesus and says look, we’ve got all this stuff to do and here she sits at your feet, tell her to get up and help me. And Jesus just says Martha, Martha, Mary’s doing the right thing. (Please understand that I am paraphrasing here : )

Our worship has to come first, or time with Jesus has to come first.

I know that you’re thinking “how am I going to fit that in”, and I know that because there are days that I think that very thing. There are days in my own life that, before my feet hit the floor I’m thinking how am I going to get everything done before I have to leave for work? I am telling you that if I make the first thing first which is time with my heavenly father, He will order my steps. I cannot tell you How many times I have sat down to study or sat down to pray and just said Lord I don’t know how I’m going to get all of this done without you? Our Heavenly Father is faithful! He then supernaturally intercedes and honors and blesses the time that I have spent with Him. He allows me to accomplish the things that I needed to get done, He allows me to get to work on time, and that blesses, even more, the time that I had with Him and in his word.

So this morning, preferably, or at some point today I hope you take time to spend with the Lord, no matter how chaotic your day. Why not let the one who created time and organized the very planets in our solar system order your steps? Let him be the one that determines what is paramount in your day.

I bet if we look at all of our duties throughout the day, from an eternal perspective, we’d realize that a lot of it either doesn’t have to be or maybe even shouldn’t be on our agenda.

I’m praying that you have some very special time with the Lord today and that He organizes your day and gives you peace.

Luv ya!

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