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Fearful or Faithful?

The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Occasionally we find ourselves in circumstances in which, we fear what others will/can do to us. Perhaps it is in a hostile situation, perhaps it is in a work environment or perhaps it is fear based on our own anxieties and thoughts that we entertain.

I was once in a position in which my boss indicated to me that she was glad that, unlike me, she was in a secure position and didn’t have to worry about her job or what others (of more influence) could/would do to her.

I didn’t have to ponder her comment long, before I simply said, “I am thankful that my Heavenly Father is in control and if He wants me in this position, no one can get rid of me and if He doesn’t He will open the door to something better and will bless me regardless.” The minute I brought up my faith, she was done talking. But, she knew that I didn’t fear what others “could do to me”, because I knew that my Heavenly Father had far more control and influence than any of the people that she was referring to.

Just for the record, they did not get rid of me, but my Heavenly Father did open a door to a wonderful new job and He has blessed me abundantly.

As with every dilemma, we can look to the scriptures to assist us in how to deal proceed. With regard to dealing with fear, we can look specifically to the Psalms and King David.

Prior to being made King, David was pursued by King Saul, who wanted David dead. The people loved David, God loved David and King Saul felt that he was a threat to the throne. He was right, but it wasn’t David’s plan, it was God’s. King Saul and his men pursued David, with every intent on killing him. David did nothing wrong. He even treated the King with honor and respect and when an occasion arose in which David could actually kill the King, he chose to spare him and spoke to him in humility and honored him, the way God would have him.

Psalm 27 is a great example of how David handled his fear. He puts things into perspective so that the fear is diminished and God is increased. He discusses the things that are causing him fear, but then he says but “one thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.

He remembers that, far more important than any trials we may have here on earth is the desire and ability to dwell with the LORD for all of eternity.

The Apostle Paul (in one of my favorite verses) put it this way ” For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

As if King David and the Apostle Paul weren’t great enough examples, we have our Precious Savior to look to as well. No one was more unjustly persecuted, yet His heart was for His enemies eternal souls. As He hung on the cross, able to see His accusers and those who physically harmed Him, He asked the Father to “forgive them, for they know not what they do”. He died so that they might live! Oh that we could have His heart and care more for the eternal souls of our enemies than we do for vindication.

We will have times of fear in this life, people will persecute us, they will vilify us, they will target us and they will seek to do us harm. That is part of living in a fallen world full of sinners, of which I am one. But, it is all about perspective….if we know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and make pleasing Him our life goal, then dwelling in the house of the LORD all the days of our lives (for eternity) far out weights any temporary attack we may face here on earth.

In Psalm 27, David continues by seeking the LORD and His will and praising Him for His protection and presence.

Like King David, we have to decide whether we are going to be fearful or faithful.

I pray that when you feel persecuted, pursued, targeted and fearful, that you would remember Psalm 27 and how David gave his fear over to the LORD and praised Him for his protection and ability to overcome those circumstances.

I also pray that you would look to David, the Apostle Paul and our Precious Savior as examples and that you would treat those who are victimizing you with the heart that God would have you. Not with one of retaliation or retribution, but with a humble heart that says “Lord, vengeance is yours”, “forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

Let them see Christ in you and pray for them. Their eternal souls are far more important than any petty issues we may have in this life.

Luv ya!

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