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Drowning in a Sea of Sin

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3

My husband and I were having dinner out and there was a television in the restaurant. We weren’t watching the movie that was on, but the little that we did notice seemed to be about these four people in a boat, clearly lost at sea. Gradually, one by one, they each end up in the water (as their little boat could no longer carry them) trying not to drown, get eaten or die of dehydration. This movie caused me think of our sin.

If each of our sins were equivalent to a droplet of water, we would all be afloat in a sea of sin. The number of my personal sins alone, assuming I committed only 20 sins per day (which I feel is conservative because our thoughts, feelings, desires and actions are all means by which we sin) over the course of my life thus far, that would be approximately 500,000 sins which is enough to fill a small pool. Now add mine to yours and everyone else’s and I am not sure the earth could contain it all. And, we would all be Drowning in a Sea of Sin.

The people in that movie were dying of thirst, roasting in the sun and trying to fend off sharks from beneath. There was only one way out for them. Someone else would have to come along and rescue them. They had no motor to propel them, they had no food or water, no shelter from the sun, they had no weapons to kill the beasts trying to devour them from the depths and simply had no means by which to remove themselves from the peril that they were in.

Guess what? That describes all of us, afloat on our sea of sin. We have no way to propel us out of it, no way to sustain our own life while we are in it no way to stop the onslaught of the enemy (who, very much like the sharks in the movie is prowling around like a roaring lion (or shark), seeking someone to devour – 1 Peter 5:8) and we have no way to remove ourselves from the peril that we are in. We are all Drowning in a Sea of Sin.

The good news for us, is that our ship has arrived. Our rescue is at hand. Jesus Christ is our life preserver. He is the only way out of that sea of sin.

God is a just God. There are consequences for our sins. We either pay the penalty ourselves (which requires perfection) and is impossible, we die in our sin and suffer eternally or we turn to Jesus, repent of our sin and accept him as our Lord and Savior and allow Him to rescue us from drowning in our sea of sin.

I pray that today your would reflect on how sinful we/you really are. Reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus had to make so that you could obtain forgiveness. And, I pray that you would be overflowing with gratitude for the penalty that He paid for your forgiveness and that you would thank Him, praise Him and share Him and what He has done for us with everyone who will listen.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I pray that you would recognize that it is not necessary for you to continue Drowning in a Sea of Sin. Jesus is your personal life preserver and God has thrown Him to you. Reach out and grab hold of Him. If you are not sure how to do that I pray that you will go to our Life Preserver page and say the prayer that is outlined there. Once you have done that please reach out to me at and let me pray for you and perhaps help you grow in your knowledge of and relationship with our Precious Savior.

Luv ya!

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