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We Will Seek God

I used to ignore God and almost pretend that He didn’t exist prior to knowing Jesus as my personal Savior. I’d remember Him and I’d pray if I wanted something badly or got in trouble and needed help. But if I didn’t […]

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Receive a Crown

God adopts us as His own sons and daughters when we become followers of Jesus Christ. Through our commitment(s) to Him we can even receive a crown. Revelation 3:11

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If you take an honest look at the world we live in, it’s hard not to see judgment everywhere. As hard as I try, I know that I am guilty of it. When I see the young girl walking down the street […]

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What Does it Mean to be Blessed?

What does it mean to be blessed? Most people wish for luck when we should be praying for blessings. Luck is by chance, blessings are from God.

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The Sin of Grumbling

We have discussed in past blogs about how awful my attitude was prior to becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. I complained about everything. And I strongly feel that I was the most negative person I’ve ever known. I could have won […]

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Work to Live

God created us with the ability to labor. Not in vain or as slaves. But to provide for our needs. We are given the ability to work to live. God intended our labors to be for our well-being. “And people should eat […]

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Are Men or Birds Smarter?

As I have mentioned in the past, I love God’s creation. I could simply sit in our yard and listen to the crickets and birds for hours, watching them flit back and forth. We recently had a bird called a Indigo Blue […]

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