Show Love

My husband and I took a little weekend getaway recently. We went to a place that we frequent when we just want to hole up in the hotel and do school and blog work and reconnect. When we walked in the door […]

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God Uses Satire

I felt that I misunderstood the context of some verses when I first read the Bible. There were times when it sounded like sarcasm, satire, and even irony. After years of reading the scripture, I don’t think I misunderstood at all. I […]

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A Good Soldier

There was a man who walked around our neighborhood when I was a little girl. He would often speak and occasionally offered a piece of candy. But he was always a little gruff. Then, when I got older, I obtained employment working […]

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Healing with Love

This Covid-19 pandemic has caused us all to be hypersensitive to germs. We avoid contact with each other. We avoid gathering together. And some of us even avoid leaving our homes because we fear getting this illness. The problem with illness is […]

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Abiding By the Contract

I have never been a big union person. I was a member for about 3 years, but management the rest of my career. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a union member. It didn’t seem necessary for me, personally. The funny […]

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They Go To Church?!

Before I knew Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I can remember witnessing the actions of particular people and then finding out that they went to church. There were things about their day-to-day behavior that just made me ask, “They go to […]

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Window Shopping

When I was a young girl, we didn’t have a lot of money. But that didn’t prevent me from shopping. At a very early age, my mom taught me how to dream and imagine. She taught me how to go window shopping. […]

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Not in My Wildest Dreams

I don’t believe I have mentioned this before, but I love old cars. When there is a car show in town, I love to watch them drive by. And, every once in a while, we will even go. One of the most […]

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God Has a Plan

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you recognize the heavy responsibility of sharing the gospel with others. We know that God has a plan and that part of that plan is that we (followers of Christ) would share our faith […]

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Vibrant and Captivating

Most of our readers know that I have a passion for God’s creation. One that I have found particularly interesting is the Indian Wing butterfly. When its wings are open, it is vibrant and captivating! It is almost mesmerizing. But the Indian […]

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