God Doesn’t Give Us Small Jobs

When I first came to know the Lord, I wanted so badly to serve Him in a powerful way. After all, He had just forgiven me of my sins and rescued me from eternal death. When I first asked Him to forgive […]

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The Most Important Prayers

The prayer lives of people are as original as fingerprints. Some of us pray quite frequently and yet some only pray on rare occasions. Some of us pray for the sake of others. And there are those of us who pray more […]

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Decisions, Decisions

It is said that we make approximately 35,000 decisions per day. That is A LOT of choices! We make little decisions like what time we will get up, when we will eat, whether we will go to work or not, etc. Then […]

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We Are Not Defeated

We have all been experiencing some pretty difficult times lately. Even our children/grandchildren have been struggling. I asked our 14-year-old grandson how he was doing as we drove to church. He expressed his frustration with the pandemic. And He said he just […]

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Bigger, Better, and Eternal

We all have wants and desires. We want what we want when we want it. And typically, that is now. As time goes on, we seem to get less and less patient. Our prayer life is no different. When we pray for […]

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Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

It’s funny how monotonous and lackluster life can be at times: work, eat, sleep, repeat. I don’t know about you, but it can feel like I am running a marathon on some metaphorical hamster wheel, out of breath from all the constant […]

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Love One Another

Yesterday we talked about the log of hypocrisy that sometimes gets lodged in our eye. I’d like to break that down a little more today. We are all guilty of hypocrisy at times. Even followers of Jesus Christ can be hypocrites. We […]

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Remove That Log

Most of us know the verse about having a log in our eye. The verse calls those of us who would convict and judge someone else of their sin when our own sin is even more evident and unchecked. The scripture says […]

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A Very Exclusive Club

Remember when you were a kid and cliques began to form? I was always left out of their exclusive little clubs. They behaved as though only the select were worthy enough to join. Fortunately, some of us were rarely — if ever […]

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Flee, Resist, and Repel

It has been almost a week since I have written a blog about God’s creation. I guess the Holy Spirit thought it was time. Lol. So, He led me to take a deeper look at the lion. Out of all of God’s […]

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