Shepherds and Sheep

On Monday, we talked about the difference between shepherds and sheepherders. Today I want to just focus on shepherds and sheep. I want to look at the shepherds of God’s flock and his sheep (followers of Jesus Christ). Unlike a sheepherder, shepherds […]

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Sheepherder or Shepherd

I recently became curious about the difference between the terms sheepherder and shepherd. While doing a little research about the terms, I found that over time that they have become somewhat synonymous. But it wasn’t always that way. A sheepherder, like a […]

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Follow The Leader

During this Covid catastrophe, it has been very difficult to know what to do and/or when to do it. The media and some political leaders have created such fear that some people won’t even leave their homes. Then, other media outlets and […]

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Children Believe

When I was a child, I wasn’t taught about God. My grandmother did give my brothers and me a beautiful picture bible when I was very young. But no one talked about God and we didn’t go to church. Still, somehow, I […]

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Is this Love that I’m Feeling?

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14. Every little girl dreams of one day becoming an elegant bride. I was no different. As a child, I often fantasized about wearing a puffy white gown with a cascading […]

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Love for a Friend

A number of years ago, my husband called me at lunch and said “what would you think about going to dinner with a friend of mine, from work?”. I said “sure”. But I had no idea that God was on the move. […]

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I’ll Just Wait on God

At my previous place of employment, I loved what I did. I felt like I really helped people. I was the voice of hope in some difficult times in their lives. And God was even changing the hearts of those around me […]

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Who Is Running This Thing?

“For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we […]

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A Blessed and Divine Appointment

In the book of Acts, we see an angel of the Lord direct Philip where he is to go. He not only tells him where to go, but he even tells him which route to take. We are going to see that […]

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The Passing of Time

When I was in school, I was one of those people that learned really easily and really quickly. I was a straight-A student and could commit things to memory with very little effort. I still remember the topics and facts of reports […]

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