Submission to Authority

Because God chooses those in authority over us, we must show submission to authority.

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Who Is Calling?

Have you ever gotten one of those phone calls from a number that is unfamiliar but you know that you recognize the voice? If you’re anything like me, you struggle to try and figure out who the voice belongs to because you […]

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There Are No “Buts” In Heaven

(“There Are No “Buts” In Heaven” is a re-post of a 4/29/20 post) Because of my people-pleasing nature, I really have to fight the urge to make excuses when I mess up. Excuses are just another term for “but” that we use […]

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Beauty Queen or Princess

(“Beauty Queen or Princess” is an edited re-post of a 6/7/19 post) I remember watching the Miss America Pageant with my family as a little girl. We would watch these young women perform some sort of feat in the Talent Competition. Then, […]

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God Speaks

I was incredibly blessed this past weekend when I was able to attend a Christian women’s retreat. Embracing Faith Ministries presents this retreat annually. It was located at the Huntersfield Christian Training Center, at the heart of the Catskill Mountains. Through the […]

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(“Disconnected” is a re-post of a 9/20/19 post) Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” As I sat in front of the computer this morning, preparing to spend time in the word, journal […]

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Stay Awake

When our middle daughter was a toddler, she had a virus that really wreaked havoc on her.  She couldn’t keep anything (even fluids down) and was very lethargic.  I took her to the emergency room and they prescribed something.  Our daughter slept […]

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Battle Fatigues

As I get older, I have more and more respect for those who were willing to lay down their lives for the freedoms that I have. My Father-In-Love was one of those people. I have no idea what he endured or saw […]

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Speak Love

Someone gave me a book a number of years ago. It was about the various ways that we can communicate love to those we care about.  I didn’t read the book (not because it was a bad book I just never got […]

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Increase in Number

I read an article about Chinook Salmon recently. It surprised me to find that they have become endangered/threatened. The article stated these salmon are becoming less prevalent in the Columbia River tributaries and California breeding sites. Oregon, Idaho, and Washington rivers and […]

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