Abiding By the Contract

I have never been a big union person. I was a member for about 3 years, but management the rest of my career. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a union member. It didn’t seem necessary for me, personally. The funny […]

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They Go To Church?!

Before I knew Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I can remember witnessing the actions of particular people and then finding out that they went to church. There were things about their day-to-day behavior that just made me ask, “They go to […]

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Window Shopping

When I was a young girl, we didn’t have a lot of money. But that didn’t prevent me from shopping. At a very early age, my mom taught me how to dream and imagine. She taught me how to go window shopping. […]

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Not in My Wildest Dreams

I don’t believe I have mentioned this before, but I love old cars. When there is a car show in town, I love to watch them drive by. And, every once in a while, we will even go. One of the most […]

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God Has a Plan

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you recognize the heavy responsibility of sharing the gospel with others. We know that God has a plan and that part of that plan is that we (followers of Christ) would share our faith […]

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Vibrant and Captivating

Most of our readers know that I have a passion for God’s creation. One that I have found particularly interesting is the Indian Wing butterfly. When its wings are open, it is vibrant and captivating! It is almost mesmerizing. But the Indian […]

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Never Give Up.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 Even followers of Jesus Christ are not immune to discouragement. We strive to do the will […]

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Prefer Captivity

I loved the ocean and it’s inhabitants when I was a child. Although I am not a beach dweller by nature, I find God’s ocean creatures fascinating. I love their incredible beauty and variety of species. Consequently, my husband planned an incredible […]

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Glorious Failures

Jesus asked his disciples (twice) to pray for Him. It was just before Jesus’s sacrifice and they were in the Garden of Gethsemane. But the disciples fell asleep twice. Then, when Judas and the Roman guards came, Peter lashed out and cut […]

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Dreams and fairytales are filled with far away lands and happily ever afters.  In these lands, there is often good and evil, but there is almost always a happy ending.  The Wizard of Oz for instance, has some very dark and sinister […]

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