I Wish My Dad Was Like That

I have spoken about my Dad in previous blogs. He and I had a very difficult relationship. My dad was an abusive alcoholic and I was an angry child. But, deep down, we did love each other dearly. I remember watching shows […]

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What Should I Do With My Last Days On Earth?

There is a movie that my husband and I both love dearly. It is about a woman whose doctor tells her that she only has a few weeks to live. She has been working in a department store, is not married, and […]

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Ready To Be With God

When Christians talk about the current state of the world around us, it is not uncommon to hear someone say, “Jesus come back!”, “I am ready to be with God” or “I am ready to go home” (meaning Heaven). We all mean […]

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Trials and Suffering

I have recently spoken with several people who are in varying degrees of distress. Everything from homelessness to marital problems, lack of financing, and everything in between. And, when people are in the midst of trials such as these, they usually ask, […]

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A Reset Button

When our children were young, they each received a toy called a Tomagachi. It took very little time for me to regret having given it to them. For those of you who don’t remember it, this toy fit in the palm of […]

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Blended Family

As I have mentioned in the past, both of my parents were married four times. Those marriages yielded 9 children. I have 8 siblings. But my mom and dad only had two children. So, seven of my siblings are either half or […]

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A Skunk in the Jury Box

Recently, I learned the term “a skunk in the jury box”. When I heard it, I thought, ‘What does that mean?’ So, I did some investigation. I found that it is a term that pertains to inadmissible evidence. When a jury hears […]

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The Right Church

There are so many denominations of the “Christian” church. There are Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Wesleyan, Baptist, and even a non-denominational is a form of denomination. And there are others! Which is the right church, though? How does someone figure out which […]

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Regret – Remorse or Repentance

Our daughter called the other night and we had a lengthy discussion about Judas Iscariot. We talked about everything from his discipleship, to his being the catalyst for the fulfillment of God’s plan, and even Matthias, his replacement. One of the difficult […]

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A Painful Splinter

Recently, I received a call from one of our daughters. She was deeply upset. Her four-year-old had a painful splinter but wouldn’t let her get it out. When our children were small, we never had difficulty with those things. I was always […]

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