Sweet Memories of Fried Potato Sandwiches

When I was young, fried potato sandwiches were a weekly special on the “Mom’s Kitchen” menu. It’s funny but, 25 years later, I can still remember the sizzle sound that those potatoes made when they hit the pan. I can still remember […]

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Is this Love that I’m Feeling?

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14. Every little girl dreams of one day becoming an elegant bride. I was no different. As a child, I often fantasized about wearing a puffy white gown with a cascading […]

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Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

It’s funny how monotonous and lackluster life can be at times: work, eat, sleep, repeat. I don’t know about you, but it can feel like I am running a marathon on some metaphorical hamster wheel, out of breath from all the constant […]

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Confession from A Daughter of the King

This post is going to sting a little. Because I am going to try to be as raw and real as possible, tearing the bandage off swiftly. What you are about to read is something that we all deal with at one […]

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Photographs and Memories

My paternal grandmother is almost a centenarian — someone who has lived to be 100-years-old. She has outlived all of her 10 siblings (except for one), her husband, and, unfortunately, a grandchild. My grandmother offers a first-hand recollection of the Great Depression, […]

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I Was Being Persecuted

A few years back, my husband lost a family member who he hadn’t seen in quite some time. He was struggling with his sobriety and this person’s death was the catalyst for his relapse. And, I began to be persecuted. I was […]

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Is This Really Discipline?

My husband and I were not walking with the Lord prior to our marriage. We were both addicts who drank heavily and “partied” (for lack of a better word) in excess. Honestly, we weren’t even sure if there was a God. We […]

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If you take an honest look at the world we live in, it’s hard not to see judgment everywhere. As hard as I try, I know that I am guilty of it. When I see the young girl walking down the street […]

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He Can Use ME?!?!

Last week, my husband went to the post office to get the mail (weird, right? 😀 ). As usual, he returned with a large stack of junk mail, bills, and a package or two. But suddenly, he handed me a large cardstock […]

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