Accessing the Beautiful Gift Inside

I have a very sweet co-worker that I love to chat with. We share a love for God’s creation. And we really enjoy discussing the new experiences and creatures that He brings into our lives.

The other day, this co-worker brought me a small gift, wrapped in a vintage looking paper covered in violets. The package itself was lovely. She said, “Open it carefully,” before walking out. So, very tenderly, I loosened each piece of tape that held the paper in place. Inside that paper was something wrapped in tissue paper. So, again I began to unwrap. Hiding inside was a beautiful Lenox China Owl figurine, perched in a sweet little tree. And, on the ground beneath the tree, were orange, red, and yellow fall leaves. There was even a small samara (better know as a maple leaf seed pod or helicopter). It was so lovely.

Later, I went to her to express my gratitude and she explained how she felt led to purchase this adorable little owl for me. As thoughtful as it was for her to give me this gift, I know that she had a partner in this venture. I know that the one leading her was my Heavenly Father. God’s word tells us that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow.” James 1:17.

God blesses us with good gifts over and over when we seek after Him and allow Christ to be the Lord of our lives. “He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!” Psalm 103:5.

But two things have to happen for us to experience a good gift. First, it has to be accepted. And second, it has to be opened.

If I had said, “No, thank you,” I would never have experienced the beauty of this gift. If I left that precious package on my desk and simply admired the wrapping paper, I would have missed out on the sweet gift that she purchased for me. I had to accept it and open the package to access that beautiful gift.

God has given us many beautiful gifts. But one of the most beautiful gifts He has given us is His word. It is the love letter that God has written each and every one of us. It is His word. And it reveals His character and love for us. It provides instruction, hope, and joy. It strengthens our faith and, through it, He speaks to us.

But, just like this precious little gift from my co-worker, if we don’t accept it, we don’t get to experience all that the gift of God’s word has to offer us.

We have to open the word of God and read it for ourselves. There is no other way to gain access to that beautiful gift waiting inside. We won’t get to learn about the character of God. We won’t get to experience His love. And we won’t have access to His instruction, hope, or joy. Our faith will not be strengthened. It will just get weaker and weaker. And we will miss out on hearing the things that God desires to speak to us through His word if we don’t open that precious and beautiful gift.

Pull up a chair, open God’s word, and let Him speak to you through those pages. Experience His love. And let Him grow your faith as you learn about Him and His character.

There is another gift that God gives us that requires opening to gain access to the beautiful gift inside. That gift is Jesus!

Jesus died and took the punishment for the sins of every human being who will ever live. Through Him, we can be forgiven of our sins. And through Him, we can be reconciled to God and receive eternal life. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

But we can’t gain access to that beautiful gift if we won’t receive Him. We can’t be closed off. We have to desire reconciliation with God. And we have to repent. We are saying, “No, thank you,” to the beautiful gift God of Jesus when we won’t receive Him.

God will help us live out our purpose when we do accept the gift of Jesus and repent. Our purpose is to glorify God. But we have to live for Him and allow Him to direct our path. We have to allow Him to use us to be a touch of love to others. We are leaving that gift unopened when we don’t.

When we receive the gift of salvation, God fills us with His light and love. He blesses us as we bless others. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

Jesus is literally the gift that keeps giving. But we have to open our hearts to receive Him. And then, we have to open our hearts so that He can shine His love on others, through us.

Father God, help us to hunger after You. Help us to desire opening Your word and hearing Your voice. And, help us to be filled with Your life and love. Give us eyes and hearts that desire to be used by You so that, through us, You can bless and draw others to Yourself. We pray this in Your precious and holy name, Jesus.

If you haven’t already, open your heart to Jesus and repent of your sins. I pray that you will go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that you find outlined there. Accept the beautiful gift that God is offering. Open your heart to gain access to the beautiful gift that is Jesus. I pray that you will then open the gift of God’s word, and listen for His voice within the pages.

Reach out to me once you pray the prayer on our Life Preserver page and let me know, please. I’d love to pray for and with you.

Love ya!

When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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