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A Love Letter

Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Do you ever think about loved ones who have passed on and wish that you had asked questions or spent more time with them? Now that I am older and my parents and grandparents have all passed on, there are many occasions when I think about them and wish I had made better use of the time that we had together and had asked many questions and kept a journal of their wisdom. But sadly, there is no going back.

Years ago, I taught a teen girls Sunday school class. For this one particular lesson, I asked the girls “If one of your parents or grandparents wrote you a letter and told you that this letter contained every ounce of wisdom that they had to offer you and they put the envelope on the dining room table and walked out, how long would it take you to tear that envelope open and start reading?”. Without exception, every girl said they would not be able to wait to open the letter.

Fortunately for all of us, our Heavenly Father, wrote that love letter. It’s called the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Our Heavenly Father left us a love note that is filled with wisdom and was created to equip us for every good work that He has planned for us.

The really beautiful thing about the Bible is that when you read it, it will speak differently to you than it will to me. It is truly a love letter written to each of us individually, yet its truths are unchanging and steadfast. And if you read it again and again, you will discover new truths every time. It is NEVER the same.

How are we not reading this book? How are we not tearing this book open the way that my Sunday school girls vowed they would have the letter from a loved one?

If you want to know what your purpose is, read the Bible. Want to know how to handle conflict? Read the Bible. Want to know how to get through trials? Read the Bible. Want to know the magnitude of the Father’s love for you? Read the Bible.

I pray that today you would be hungry to study God’s word and to read for yourself the love letter that He has written to you. I pray that amongst it’s pages you would hear His voice and find an insatiable desire to grow in your relationship and knowledge of the Lord.

Luv Ya!

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