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A Log or A Life Raft?

A Log or a Life Raft

When others offer suggestions in our lives we can get hurt and bitter. But we should ask God for discernment because it may be a word from Him.

Sometimes people try to help us by saying things like, “I have this great workout that you might enjoy.” But maybe we aren’t looking for a workout. Or, perhaps, they say something like, “I was reading an article about cutting down on clutter the other day. Would you like me to share it with you?” But we might think we are pretty well organized already. They might even suggest a new diet that they think might help us (as we take that first bite of our fast-food hamburger and greasy fries). But are these suggestions merely hypocrisy from someone else? Or are they words from the Lord? Are these comments a log or a life raft?

Experiences like that can REALLY cause me to feel deeply wounded, insecure, and even rejected. And I am sure that we all have similar feelings.

In situations like this, I often think about the scripture verse that says, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3.

My attitude quickly becomes bitter because I get wounded so easily. I think things like, “Who are you to talk to me about that with ______________ that is going on in your life?!” And I fill in the blank with the first thing that I think isn’t right in their life. Most of us react this way, if we are honest.

There are several issues with this attitude, though.

First, who are we to judge what is going on in this person’s life? Even if their suggestion didn’t seem in the right spirit, we are not to judge. “Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God;” Romans 14:10.

Another issue with this attitude is that we have not used discernment at all. We did not go to God and ask if this might be a message from Him. He may have urged this person to speak this into our life. This message might be God’s way of offering us a more abundant life. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10. This may be a life raft that God is sending to help us out of a storm. And not a log stuck in our brother/sister’s eye.

The only way to know whether this is a log or a life raft is to ask God.

But the enemy would love for us to act in a heart of bitterness and disregard a word from the Lord. That is what he is hoping will happen when he begins to work in these situations.

However, if we will choose to have the heart that would please God, we can’t lose in a matters such as this.

When we find ourselves in this type of situation, especially when we begin to feel insulted or rejected by another’s comments, we should ask God for wisdom and discernment. He will provide it… if we ask. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:15.

And, when we choose to love our brother or sister, God is pleased and glorified (even if they didn’t seem to have the right spirit).

So, would we prefer to judge our brother or sister’s motive(s)? Would we prefer to let our pride cause division between us and our brother or sister? Do we want to rob God of glory and be displeasing to Him?

Or do we want to seek His wisdom and discernment and move in His Spirit?

After all, only He knows whether this is a log or a life boat. And we certainly don’t want to miss a life boat from God!

Father God, forgive us when we are prideful. Forgive us when we judge our brother or sister’s motives. Lord Jesus, we praise You that, through Your shed blood, we can be forgiven. We praise You, Holy Spirit, for assisting us to love other’s, despite their motives. Help us, Holy Spirit, not to judge others, but to seek wisdom. Help us not to act based on our pride and motives, but on what You lead us to do. Thank You for Your love, forgiveness, leading, and life boats! We pray this in Your precious and Holy name, Jesus!

Have misunderstandings caused broken relationships in your life? Do other’s words and comments cause you to feel hurt and offended often? If you answered “yes”, please go to our Life Preserver page ( and pray the prayer that is outlined there. God wants to provide you with wisdom and discernment. He wants to provide healing, forgiveness, and restoration. And He wants to start by restoring your relationship with Him. He loves you and wants a personal and intimate relationship with you. He wants to build you up and allow you to see yourself through His eyes… eyes of love. The prayer on our Life Preserver page is a life raft, not a log. So, climb aboard! God is trying to rescue you!

Once you have prayed that prayer, please reach out to me at and let me know. I would love to be in prayer with and for you!

Luv Ya!

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