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A Church Full of Hypocrites

And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

When I was first looking for a church, for my children, I remember going to church after church and feeling totally unwelcome.

When we did find a church, it was a warm, incredibly welcoming place with a congregation that loved on us and prayed for us from the moment we walked in the door.

Now, was it the PERFECT Church, of course not. It was full of sinners. From the leadership down to every last member of the congregation. The honest truth is that this is the makeup of every single church. There is no perfect church.

We, as followers of Christ, no matter whether we are a Pastor, a Deacon, a ministry leader or just a congregate are simply sinners, saved by grace. We are not perfect nor are we going to behave as though we are. So, if you have been going to church looking for the perfect church, with a perfect membership, you can stop looking because the church doesn’t obtain perfection until we arrive in Heaven as one body.

I talk to people all the time who say “Oh, I don’t go to church, because the last church I went to really hurt me” or “I don’t go to church because the people are all hypocrites” or I don’t go to church because all they want is my money”.

If you don’t go to church because you were hurt, God can heal those wounds, but you have to forgive as you have been forgiven. If you don’t go because the church is full of sinners, you are a sinner to, at least they will (out of love and obedience) desire to love on you even if they don’t do it perfectly. If you don’t go because the “church wants your money”, maybe you have been in the wrong church. The money that you give to the church is from your personal commitment to God and the desire to see the church do His work in ministering to people and advancing the Gospel, it shouldn’t be the focus of the church.

The scriptures tell us that we are not to forsake the gathering together (Hebrews 10:24 & 25). It also tells us that we are all members of one body, each serving a different function, very much the way our limbs, eyes and other body parts work in unison in our physical bodies, we as members of the body of Christ each serve a different function (1 Corinthians 12:27) and the body requires every member to function properly.

You bring something unique to the body that God is calling you to and they bring something unique to you that you need and don’t even know it.

We don’t go to church because people are going to be nice to us, or because it has something that we are looking for. We go to church out of obedience to our Heavenly Father. But, as He has proven, over and over again, He blesses our obedience.

If you are in a Gospel Preaching, Bible believing Church, PRAISE God for that body and until God says otherwise continue worshiping and serving in that Body.

If you are not going to church or don’t feel that you are in the body that God has called you to. I pray that you would begin the search for the body that God desires you to be a part of. I promise that if you pray, with a fervent heart, that God will lead you to the body that He desires for you, He will help you find that church.

Not only will you find a church where you can , praise, worship and serve our heavenly Father, but that congregation is equipped to meet your needs as well.

You cannot fully serve God, honor God, Praise God, grow in knowledge or relationship with Him, apart from a Gospel preaching, Bible believing church and congregation.

I pray that this weekend, you would desire finding that Church that God is calling you to, if you are not already in it. If you are I pray that you would be motivated to serve Him in that body more fervently.

If you don’t know where to start and maybe you don’t even know Jesus as your personal savior. I pray that you would go to our life preserver page and pray the prayer outlined there and that you would reach out to me ( and let me know so that I can pray for you and help you to find that body you are called to.

Luv ya!

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