Who Is Calling?

Who Is Calling?

Have you ever gotten one of those phone calls from a number that is unfamiliar but you know that you recognize the voice? If you’re anything like me, you struggle to try and figure out who the voice belongs to because you don’t want to ask, “Who is calling?” After all, it might hurt the person’s feelings. So, you try and draw out the conversation with the hope that you will finally recognize who the voice belongs to.

That can happen with God too. Sometimes He speaks into our hearts and lives through other people and we are just uncertain as to who is really calling. Is it God’s voice we hear? Or is it the heart and mind of the person speaking?

I mentioned the other day that I had the privilege of attending a wonderful women’s conference over the weekend. While at the conference, one of the women stood up to speak and she shared things that spoke directly into the hearts of some of the women. Before she was finished, I felt the need to share something that the Lord had spoken to me for her. It was just a bit of scripture that our Savior had spoken to His disciple Peter. Three times, Jesus asked, “Do you love me?” And, when the response was “yes” three times, He said, “then feed my sheep”. My sweet sister had been weeping. But then she began to weep harder.

I didn’t know it but, several years ago, she became a sheep farmer. And, when she went to purchase the sheep, the woman selling them said to her, “You are going to be a feeder of sheep from now on.” God immediately reminded her of that conversation. And she realized that it wasn’t the woman speaking back then, nor was it me speaking this verse to her now. It was God speaking. She knew that God had called her to minister to — and speak to — women. But she had been resisting a little, perhaps doubting in her own abilities. When God put the word He had spoken to her years ago together with the verse that I spoke to her, she broke. She didn’t have to ask, “Who is calling?” She knew it was God calling her into this ministry.

But sometimes, it is harder to decipher who is calling when God speaks. Is it the person telling us what they think or feel? Or is it God?

At the same conference, another of my sweet sisters stepped out in faith. She spoke to another sister boldly about her past and how God had rescued her. She knew that it was something God would have her share in an to attempt to keep this other young woman from making some perilous decisions. When she finished sharing with this other sister, she felt victorious. She had clearly made an impact and some inroads for God.

But almost instantly, the enemy snatched that victory away. Another speaker said something that caused her to instantly question what she had done. The speaker said something to the effect of, “You shouldn’t speak into another sister’s life and give her Godly direction without first knowing her.” So, this sister immediately began to doubt.

Now, I believe that what the speaker was saying was that we should be mindful of the log in our own eye. We should not come at another, attempting to convict them, when we are unfamiliar with their circumstances. That wasn’t the case with my sister who was sharing her testimony. She knew full well where this other sister was. She knew full well that this other sister was at a fork in the road. In fact, she had stood at that very same fork. The urging in her heart to go and speak to this young woman wasn’t a wrong number. And, she didn’t have to ask, “Who is calling?”. She knew that God had asked her to speak to her and she did.

Unfortunately, the enemy is a deceiver and he twists the facts, the truth, and other’s words to cause us to doubt and become less effective for God.

When we can support what we are being called to do with the word of God, we don’t have to ask, “Who is calling?” It is God. Especially when that call is contrary to our own nature. The center of God’s will is rarely within our comfort zone.

And God calls each of us to different things. Sometimes He calls us to pray with a stranger (I’ve had to do that and it is not easy 😉 ). Sometimes it is to be bold and step out in faith and feed His sheep. And sometimes it is to sit with a sister you don’t know and share your torrid testimony so that God can draw her out of spiritual peril. The last thing we want to do in these circumstances is to ask, “Who is calling?” We need to recognize God’s voice.

When we are uncertain if it is God’s voice, we have to ask, “Who is calling?” God tells us to test everything.

“but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

We can test what others say and the voice we think might be God speaking by comparing it to what God’s word says. If it is contrary to His word, it is not the voice of God. If it’s contrary to God’s nature, it is not His voice. And, if it is not what Jesus would have done, it is not God calling. When we need to know who is calling, ask God if it is Him. “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3.

Now, if we determine that the voice is not God’s voice we must resist that voice. No matter how much we may personally want to do what it is saying, or how alluring the prospect, RESIST! “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.

But, if we determine it is God’s voice, we must act! “Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” Luke 11:28.

God doesn’t speak just to break the silence. When He speaks, it is with purpose. And you can be assured that the purpose is rescuing souls. How important is it then that we know who is calling? Are you listening? Will you do what He is asking? The eternal lives of those around you may depend on it. God is calling.

Father God, help us to hear your voice. Help us to decipher who is calling. Help us to decipher your voice from that of the enemy. We long to hear your voice and obey, Father. Speak, Father, speak. We pray this in Jesus’s precious and holy name.

Have you ever wondered if you heard God’s voice but you weren’t quite sure? Do you long to hear His voice? To have an intimate conversation with someone, we have to have a relationship. God wants that relationship with you. He wants to speak to you. Please go to our Life Preserver page (https://forgiven-n-loved.com/life-preserver/) and pray the prayer that is outlined there. Through that prayer (prayed from the bottom of your heart), God will adopt you as His own precious child and the conversation can begin.

God absolutely adores you and wants that intimate relationship with you. Please pray that prayer. And, once you have, reach out to me at admin@Forgiven-N-Loved.com and let me know. I’d love to be in prayer with and for you.

Luv Ya!


When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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