
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Fourth of July, Independence day, by definition a “civil holiday for the celebration of the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence”.

We have become a nation that no longer celebrates the true meaning of our holidays, from Christmas (which has become a day to celebrate material possessions), to Easter (a day in which we celebrate a Rabbit who brings eggs and candy), to Independence day (a day that we celebrate being off from work and able to set off fireworks). And what is missing is reverence.

We no longer revere our Heavenly Father, therefore we don’t celebrate Him at Christmas or Easter, we do not celebrate the nation that He gave us and put us in so that we can worship freely and have “independence”.

There are currently, at least 50 countries in the world, in which it is unsafe to be a Christian and in some it will cost you your very life. And yet God chose for us to be here, in this free country where we can worship and honor Him, but do we?

As a United States Citizen do we realize or even consider the number of men and women that have given their lives so that we could maintain this freedom? Do we consider our Heavenly Father who placed us in this nation at this time, giving us all that we have, even the freedom and free will to choose whether to worship Him or not?

We have been given National Independence, through a Heavenly Father who provided us with an independent Nation and through the blood and sacrifice of men and women who fought for it.

We have also been given the opportunity for spiritual independence. Freedom from the consequences and bondage of our sin. Provided through the blood and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What are you doing with your God given “Independence”. Are you worshiping Him, are you serving Him, are you revering Him? Are you celebrating our National Independence, mindful of the sacrifices that men and women, you didn’t even know, suffered for your freedoms? Are you praying for our brothers and sisters in Nations in which they are being persecuted for worshiping our Heavenly Father? Are you praying for our Nation and leaders?

I pray that today you would reflect on the freedoms and independence that your Heavenly Father has provided you. I pray that you would meditate on those who have sacrificed for you, from the soldiers you didn’t know who fought for this nation to the Savior I pray you do know who died for your spiritual freedom. I pray that you would pour out your heart to our Heavenly Father and ask forgiveness for the way in which we take for granted all of His bountiful blessings and that you would lift up petitions to Him for those around the world being persecuted for His sake and that you would lift up the leaders of our nation. Pray for a revival in this nation and that our leaders would make God led decisions and become followers of Jesus Christ.

You have freedoms, provided by our Heavenly Father, use them and thank Him for them!

If you do not know the freedom provided through the blood of Jesus Christ, I pray that you would go to our Life Preserver page and pray the prayer outline there and then reach out to me at and let me know so that I can be praying for you and can help you grow in the Lord.

Happy Independence Day!

Luv ya!

When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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Defying God

July 3, 2019