We Need a Helper

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you: And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.

Have you ever needed help from God and you just were not sure how He was going to accomplish what you needed?

I had an instance like that, shortly after I became a follower of Christ. Our daughter worked at a diner about a mile from our home and I would typically pick her up when the diner closed. She was a new believer as well and was only about 14 or 15.

When I went to pick her up, she came out and instead of getting in the passenger side of the car, she came to the drivers door and began to plead with me to come in. I gave her every excuse I could think of because I just wanted to go home to bed, I was already in my comfys! And then she said “but mom, we have been talking about God and they are asking questions that I can’t answer”, “Please, come in.” I asked her what made her think I could answer them and she replied “I just know you can”. So, in we went.

When I got inside I found two young men (1 was Jewish, 1 was an “atheist”) and a young lady (a catholic who no longer went to church). I sat at the counter and we began to talk, the young lady didn’t say very much but those young men were angry and firing questions one after another. To my shock and awe, I did know the answers. I quoted scripture to those young men that I didn’t even remember ever having heard.

Now, at the end of the conversation, there was no great revival where all three gave their lives to Christ. It ended with one of the young men bitterly saying “so, by your belief, we are all destined to burn in hell, how’s that make you feel”? He was trying to shame and hurt me. And I began to cry. I explained to him that the whole time that I was talking to them, I was praying that God would move on their hearts and that someday we would all be in heaven together, rejoicing over this night. The young lady disappeared in back, the young men quietly went back to work and my daughter and I left.

I get a little sad when I think of those three young people, but I still pray for all three, and it has been about 20 years. But I also rejoice, because I know the word of God never comes back void (Isaiah 55:11) and they, through the Holy Spirit, heard a LOT of the word of God that night. More of it than I even knew.

You see, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent (as He promised in John 14:15-17) to live with us was right there with me that night. He provided the scripture that I didn’t even know.

That is who the Holy Spirit is. He is our Helper when we need Him. He convicts us of wrong doing, He guides us when we need leading, He provides scripture when we need it and He guards and guarantees the salvation of the ones He indwells. It is by His power that we may abide in Hope. There is so much that the Holy Spirit does for us and we, at times treat Him with very little regard.

When was the last time you thanked the Holy Spirit for all that He does for you. Do you realize that, very much the way Jesus left paradise to accomplish the Father’s will and save us, the Holy Spirit left paradise to indwell us and accompany us through this life.

I think they have both suffered a great deal on our behalf!

Can you imagine that the perfect Holy Spirit of God, is indwelling (living inside) us broken, sinful, believers? Talk about a dirty job! All the sin that we commit, all the things we think, say and do that are contrary to God’s will, He tries to convict us not to do. But, ultimately, when we don’t listen, He has to suffer through it with us when we do.

The Holy Spirit is there with you in the morning when you awake and you feel that nudge to pray or open the word of God. He is there at night when you feel that nudge to pray before you nod off to sleep. He is there, when you feel that urging to help the elderly lady struggling to take her trash to the curb or carry her groceries to the car. He is there when you don’t know why, but you feel led to give money to the homeless person and tell them that Jesus loves them.

The Holy Spirit is there inside us, assisting us to navigate the landmine that is this life here on Earth and He will never leave you! (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

Perhaps today, we should praise God for the indwelling Holy Spirit and thank the Holy Spirit for enduring and abiding with us.

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, nor do you know the Holy Spirit, please go to our Life Preserver page, pray the prayer that is outlined there and reach out to me at admin@Forgiven-N-Loved.com, so that I can be in prayer for you and perhaps help you to find a church or study group to help you grow.

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and have experienced the love, leading and presence of the Holy Spirit, THANK GOD! Repent, because we put the Holy Spirit through a LOT in this life and He is faithful and even intercedes on our behalf.

Father forgive us for disregarding your Holy Spirit, thank you for sending our helper and thank you Holy Spirit for your steadfastness and presence in our lives. In Jesus name. Amen

Heed the Holy Spirit and praise your Father in Heaven.

Luv Ya,


When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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