How Right Are You?

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

Have you ever been in a situation where you were thoroughly convinced, without question, that you were right about something?

I find my self in this situation most often, with my husband. We will be discussing some issue or topic and we will have different ideas about how to proceed, or what the out come of the situation might be and I will be convinced that I am right!

Sometimes my heart is right and I will pray that the Lord leads us and will help us to know the right direction. Other times, not so much, I wait for the outcome of the situation because I can’t wait for my husband to realize that he was wrong. I am thankful to say that the older I get, the less this attitude rises up in me and I give God all the glory for that, but still not proud that it happens at all.

But, what does being right even mean? Its funny because if you look up the definition on, you will find that it has two definitions….1. “in accordance with what is good, proper or just: right conduct”. 2. “in conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or principle; correct: the right solution; the right answer.”

How ironic that the 1st definition should be in accordance with what is good, proper or just. Because when I am in the flesh, prideful and am anxiously awaiting my husband being proven wrong, I think that I am right (in the context of #2, correct), but I am not right in the context of #1 (good, proper: right conduct). And, being right in the context of #1 in accordance with what is good, proper or just, is FAR more important than being right on the context of #2.

Our pride and our flesh will cause us to become confrontational, argumentative, distant and rob God of all glory and honor, if we allow it. And, most of the time, the matter that we are in disagreement over is so incredibly insignificant that in the very short future we lose all memory of the ever having disagreed at all.

It doesn’t matter whether it is our husbands, parents, church family, elders, pastor, bosses, Government or who it is. Our desire in situations in which we may not agree, should always be to be right…..”in accordance with what is good, proper or just: right conduct”.

If we are not seeing eye to eye with someone on a particular issue, are we in prayer? Are we going to the Lord and seeking direction? Are we asking our Heavenly Father to reveal to us whether we may be wrong? We should be doing all of these things. Because He is the very definition of good, proper and just and His desire is to lead us to be likewise. He desires that we would be in submission as our Lord Jesus was to the Father. He desires that we would be in unity with those around us. And He desires that no pride would be found in us because when “pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2”.

I pray that today, if there is any discord in your life, with anyone, that you would pray. Pray that the Lord will humble you in that situation, bring unity to the situation and that He would find you right (good, proper and just). I pray that you would have a heart of forgiveness and if necessary be reconciled to that person. And, I pray that God would bless your obedience.

Have a great day,

Luv Ya

When God asked me to create this blog, I didn't even think it was something I could do. But in His strength and power and with His leading (and the help of our beautiful, contributing author, daughter) we did it! We pray that it helps you to draw closer to Him and that you would grow in your relationship and knowledge of our Saviour. Luv Ya!

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Be Still

June 11, 2019