
It would probably surprise most people (except my family) to know that I am a little bit of a nerd.  I have always been a fan of Godzilla, superhero(s), and even Star Trek and Star Wars. But I am not the kind of fan […]

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On Time Delivery

During this pandemic, delivery services have been overwhelmed. One article that I read indicated that the increase in usage was actually 3 times what it was the year prior. A coronavirus Christmas season further burdens already stressed delivery services. Needless to say, […]

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The Beautiful Background Music

Have you ever been riding in the car and listening to the radio, kinda singing in your head, but carrying on a conversation with someone else in the car? Or, perhaps you remember doing your homework and listening to the radio at […]

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Shepherds and Sheep

On Monday, we talked about the difference between shepherds and sheepherders. Today I want to just focus on shepherds and sheep. I want to look at the shepherds of God’s flock and his sheep (followers of Jesus Christ). Unlike a sheepherder, shepherds […]

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Sheepherder or Shepherd

I recently became curious about the difference between the terms sheepherder and shepherd. While doing a little research about the terms, I found that over time that they have become somewhat synonymous. But it wasn’t always that way. A sheepherder, like a […]

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