Sweet Remembrance

My husband and I ran by our son’s house a few nights ago, obediently wearing masks. And, as Grammy always does, I brought treats. They were just miniature chocolate-covered mint candies, but to our grandbabies, I was a hero! Our granddaughter is […]

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The Joy and Heartache of Adoption

We try desperately to stay away from the news. Despite our efforts however, it creeps into our lives. Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s introduction of her family recently did just that. The media pointed out that Judge Barrett spoke about her biological children […]

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Defending Ourselves

I am the type of person that avoids confrontation at all costs. It is part of having a background of abuse. It has always been my nature. But, prior to knowing Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, other aspects of my […]

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Holding Hands

I have previously shared that my husband (in the early days of our relationship) was a “no public displays of affection” person. But now, we hold hands all the time. Whether in the car, walking down the street, or through the mall, […]

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A Warm Glow

We have talked about my fascination with insects in the past, as well as my fascination with all of God’s creation. 🙂 One that particularly intrigues me is the firefly. The fact that these little bugs could generate such a warm glow […]

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A Sweet Little Lady

When we first arrived at the church that we currently attend, we felt the love of Christ immediately.  Walking towards the church, we met several friendly attendees who smiled politely and held the door for us. And, upon entering, a sweet little […]

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No Social Distancing Here

I was looking back at 2019 recently. I found that the two, relatively consistent top news stories were Hurricane Dorian and the Notre Dame Cathedral fire. We rang in a new year on January 1, 2020, hoping for a better year. Little […]

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Lifting Others Up

I love photographs. One of my favorites is of our son and grandson together. They had gone apple picking. Then, as our Son lifts our grandson above his head to pick an apple, our daughter-in-love took this wonderful picture. I really love […]

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Confession from A Daughter of the King

This post is going to sting a little. Because I am going to try to be as raw and real as possible, tearing the bandage off swiftly. What you are about to read is something that we all deal with at one […]

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Show Love

My husband and I took a little weekend getaway recently. We went to a place that we frequent when we just want to hole up in the hotel and do school and blog work and reconnect. When we walked in the door […]

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