Regret – Remorse or Repentance

Our daughter called the other night and we had a lengthy discussion about Judas Iscariot. We talked about everything from his discipleship, to his being the catalyst for the fulfillment of God’s plan, and even Matthias, his replacement. One of the difficult […]

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A Painful Splinter

Recently, I received a call from one of our daughters. She was deeply upset. Her four-year-old had a painful splinter but wouldn’t let her get it out. When our children were small, we never had difficulty with those things. I was always […]

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Did Jesus Really…

A few years ago, I heard someone say that Betsy Ross neither made, designed, or had anything to do with the first American flag. I thought it was just rhetoric. After all, I was always taught that she was, in fact, asked […]

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God Won’t See

Isn’t it funny how we are concerned with what others think, but we aren’t concerned about what God thinks? I know that I have said/done things so that people might think well of me. But I was much less worried about what […]

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I Was Being Persecuted

A few years back, my husband lost a family member who he hadn’t seen in quite some time. He was struggling with his sobriety and this person’s death was the catalyst for his relapse. And, I began to be persecuted. I was […]

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A Log or A Life Raft?

Sometimes people try to help us by saying things like, “I have this great workout that you might enjoy.” But maybe we aren’t looking for a workout. Or, perhaps, they say something like, “I was reading an article about cutting down on […]

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Looking Back Over Our Lives

My husband and I had an opportunity to watch a baseball game a few nights ago. There were two players on base (1st and 2nd) and the young man at bat hit the ball into the outfield. As the player at 2nd […]

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Excuses for Sin

We try to hide and make excuses for sin, but God (the one who matters) knows. He desires that we would repent and have our relationships with Him restored.

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Where is God

I have a nephew whom I have not spoken with in about 15 years. There was no anger or disagreements… just distance. Recently, I learned that he was having some health issues. So, I asked for his number so that I could […]

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A Member of a Family

Growing up, I remember watching shows like Leave it to Beaver and longing for a family like they had. I wanted to feel loved. I wanted to be disciplined in love. And I just wanted to feel like I belonged. I simply […]

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