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Dual Citizenship

I have spoken in previous blogs about our Dominican son whom God gave us through our baseball ministry. He stayed in the United States, put himself through school, married a beautiful and incredible young lady, and obtained his citizenship, once his baseball […]

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Not For Me

Prior to knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, when people talked to me about the Gospel, I would think, “That is not for me!” Giving up all the “fun” stuff and becoming some kind of “good” person was just […]

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We Will Seek God

I used to ignore God and almost pretend that He didn’t exist prior to knowing Jesus as my personal Savior. I’d remember Him and I’d pray if I wanted something badly or got in trouble and needed help. But if I didn’t […]

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Receive a Crown

God adopts us as His own sons and daughters when we become followers of Jesus Christ. Through our commitment(s) to Him we can even receive a crown. Revelation 3:11

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