Total Transformation

God’s creation has mesmerized me for as long as I can possibly remember. Bugs (in particular) were an incredible fascination to me. I even wanted to be an entomologist when I grew up. My initial fascination was with caterpillars, lightning bugs, butterflies, […]

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He Can Use ME?!?!

Last week, my husband went to the post office to get the mail (weird, right? 😀 ). As usual, he returned with a large stack of junk mail, bills, and a package or two. But suddenly, he handed me a large cardstock […]

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Submit to Authority?

I remember hearing the word “submit” for the first time at church. That word made me cringe. I thought, “Submit to authority?” The thought of being subject to or submitting to someone was not how I was raised and not in my […]

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Color Blind

In light of the recent pandemic, we have tried to limit our media exposure. As with everyone, we find too much media exposure increases the anxiety and stress level in our home. Understandably, however, my husband enjoys watching the nightly news to […]

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Loving Our Children/Grandchildren

I remember when my children were young wanting to just hug and snuggle them all the time. The love that we have for those precious little bundles is just overwhelming. But the scripture warns us that we need to keep things in […]

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His Bride

God designed our marriages to be a picture of the Gospel. The first marriage took place in the garden of Eden. Adam named each of the types of animals and saw that each one had a mate. Yet, there was none for […]

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A Desire to be Like God

From the beginning of creation, we (mankind) have been self-centered. We want our way and nothing less. Do not tell us what to do. Or, what to think. Or, that we are lesser than anyone. From Eve’s desire for the apple to […]

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A Robber of Glory and Joy

When I was a teenager, there was a woman whom I would come in contact with several times a week. She lived in the neighborhood. Our family discussed the fact that EVERY time we saw her, she was just an absolute ray […]

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Deathbed Conversions

In the 1980s, the most popular scientist of the era was Carl Sagan. He had an incredibly popular television show on a public service channel. Mr. Sagan was a Scientist and Astronomer. He was a celebrity and writer. And he was an […]

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