Work to Live

God created us with the ability to labor. Not in vain or as slaves. But to provide for our needs. We are given the ability to work to live. God intended our labors to be for our well-being. “And people should eat […]

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Are Men or Birds Smarter?

As I have mentioned in the past, I love God’s creation. I could simply sit in our yard and listen to the crickets and birds for hours, watching them flit back and forth. We recently had a bird called a Indigo Blue […]

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Expressions of Love

Mankind has some interesting ideas about love. If you were to do a quick web search asking, “what is love”, a popular web-based “encyclopedia” states: “Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or […]

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I Want It!

Remember when you or your children were little and were told “no” when asking for something. Maybe it was ice cream or cookies before dinner, a toy in the store, or something that was just not appropriate. Typically we/they would yell, “I […]

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I am Hungry

A previous co-worker of mine used to use the word “hangry” a lot. If someone said, “I am hungry”, she would discuss being “hangry”. Without food, she said that she had less patience and was sometimes angry. “Hangry”, as she described it, […]

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